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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2020 in all areas

  1. @lecouvie The browsers on many older "smart" TV's do NOT get updated to cover newer Internet standards and protocols. They are tied into the TV OS (in this case WebOS), that will not have been updated either. You can ONLY install apps that are present in your LG STORE in your country/region. If DAZN is not there, then you cannot install it. For new account setups, I ALWAYS use the PC/Laptop browser (Firefox is very good, it has an excellent password manager built in), then once the new account is ready, sign in on the TV.
    1 point
  2. Very good point! This is exactly what I would like, too: The ability to change a useless button (as I don´t use that Rakuten app and will never) into a useful button. Respectively, turning a product which is expensive, but still wants to flood you with marketing crap ("use that app and pay for it! See? You have a button there already") into a user friendly, clever and convenient product. Which it should be for 3000€ (Having an OLED65c9). Anyway, people at LG, make that an option please. @ness: You probably figured how to to do that in the meantime? Removing that nasty advertisement in the left corner of the menu you find the option somewhere in the options menu, can´t tell you where exactly as I did it one year ago. Deinstalling apps is super easy, just stay pressed on the symbol, this gets you into edit mode. Now click on the cross symbol. Done.
    1 point
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