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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2020 in all areas

  1. This is very annoying. This firework screensaver comes on when you play the heart radio app or Deezer etc. They have features such as karaoke where you can read the words but the screensaver kicks in! You should be able to turn this off.
    1 point
  2. @Chaoskcw - thank you so much for your "helpful" reply. The original post does not say whether he is watching live TV, streaming, or what. If you pause the screen, the screen saver is designed to come on. If it's coming on during a show that hasn't been paused, it's a problem with the TV and he needs to call LG for help. People do much more with their Smart TVs than just "watch TV". If you think my post was "of no use and very naive", all your post was designed to do was give me a hard time. Mine was to try to help the person with the problem, even if it didn't turn out to be the correct solution. So you tell me, which post was of more value on this forum? If you want to troll people on-line and make yourself feel better, you should try another forum.
    1 point
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