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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2021 in all areas

  1. @CatsPaw I do understand your annoyance with this, and also I think this can open up security concerns. I saw some older posts that stated older firmware DID have an option to turn this functionality off, but it has now dissappeared in the UI (settings) on most models. If you can find the Facebook page or Twitter feed for LG, try commenting/complaining there, AND raise a support ticket with LG in your country. The more owners complain, the better chance you get of getting that ability in a firware update in the future. You could quote these links, or research more to find actual TV WiFi direct vulnerabilities to quote to LG support (other owners on here may know of these): https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/wifi-direct-insecure/ and https://www.securityinobscurity.net/thoughts/thought-1019-01.htm
    1 point
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