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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2022 in all areas

  1. Guys, please advise how we can stream the FIFA World Cup on LG Smart Tv? Jio Cinema has won the exclusive rights and it would be an absolute shame if we are not able to watch the biggest sporting event in the world on our smart TV. Nullifies the entire purpose of a Smart TV. Kindly get this addressed.
    1 point
  2. Does LG hire real software engineers with actual computer science degrees? Or do they just piggyback on software engineers that build webOS for free? My LG 77" OLED C2 is far from "smart" ... after a long online chat with LG tech support because my TV decided it would connect my Bose Q45 Bluetooth headphone then immediately disconnect. After hours of removing the device in the Bluetooth list, pairing the Bose headphones again, still same problem. Keep in mind my headphones were working fine 1 day ago. So the end result was: 1. Disable Quick Start (from settings) 2. Turn off TV 3. Disconnect the main power from source outlet 4. Hold down the power button under the little red light ... wait 30 seconds 5. Plug the TV back in and power on using the button under the red light. 6. Connect my Bose Q45 headphones If this weren't a waste of 1-2 hours of time it would be comical. I've had this problem 3 times since I bought the TV 2 months ago. I've gone thru 3 WebOS updates and each one seems to get worse and worse. If the software engineers at LG don't know what they're doing, then please STOP. Just banging out garbage untested code so you get paid isn't good for LG. This Bluetooth problem is well documented across the internet and LG is just making the problem worse. Connect then immediate Disconnect of a Bluetooth device sounds exactly like the code didn't capture the devices UUID. I don't know what approach the LG software engineers are using but if it's this method: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/ScanRecord or they might want to use Sweet Blue https://sweetblue.io/ . Your software seems to be processing the same UUID twice (sounds like basic loop logic problem as you cycle found devices). Did any of the LG development team actually test multiple Bluetooth devices? Either way LG, hire some quality software engineers that know what they're doing or pay for a quality assurance group to unit test. And yes, I'm a software engineer with over 35 years of experience.
    1 point
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