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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2022 in all areas

  1. I am on Webos 4.40.18 and the YouTube app got totally messed up after the last update. Even if it's installed, when trying to open in the content store I get a message saying that it's not available for the region of the TV. When opening the app, the entire content gets stacked up in one single tile. Nice testing before releasing an app to Production. Is there any direct way to send this bugs to the developers? Probably it will take days or weeks to fix. Keep doing this great job...
    1 point
  2. On the main webos page it states that the Eurosport player app can be added or is included (obviously you would need to signup for their service) but I cannot see it and have no idea how to get onto my lgwebos tv. How exactly do I go about getting the app onto my LGwebos?
    1 point
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