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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2022 in all areas

  1. I'd like a fast accessible shortcut to turn off the screen, eg. when pressing settings, a button on the screen. Or even better, the possibility to configure the speaker off button on the remote to turn off the screen instead. It should work independently of the energy saving feature, so that energy saving is not set to off when the screen is turned on again. The existing procedure to turn off screen is to complex press settings, press all settings, press energy saving, press off..... and when the screen is turned on again, the energy saving is set to off, and not to the previous value (eg. auto). OLED65C7V-Z
    1 point
  2. If you use the voice function on the remote and say "screen off" it will also turn off the screen, this seems to be the most efficient way of doing it I've found so far. There needs to be a shortcut button on the remote!
    1 point
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