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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2023 in all areas

  1. I have got from a friend the code for his OLED42C21LA: I have tried to update the code on my one, but I cannot select it for modification (on my C1 I can). I have FW 03.30.16. Is that common to C2? If somebody can test, it would be helpful. Any idea I can enable SM/ToolOPT6_Energy/country for modification?
    1 point
  2. Still on this question: I am looking for a "ToolOPT6_Energy/Country" code with enabled PVR/TS for my OLED42C26LB. Here what I have there: Some of you may be interested to "ToolOPT6_Energy/Country" code of my OLED65C11LB: It is a non Italian model. I could enable PVR/TS by changing broadcasting position to Austria and getting back to Italian LCN. Here the procedure I have used: https://www.avmagazine.it/forum/127-display-e-tv-4k-e-8k/326568-attivazione-timeshift-e-registrazione-su-oled-lg-quot-stranieri-quot In case you are interest you are interested, you have only to translate and change ITA with your country. It is generic and it should work.
    1 point
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