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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2024 in all areas

  1. Try to change your country in tv settings to UK Then you will need a vpn to UK This works for me
    1 point
  2. @Sune Interesting, is your TV a C series OLED like @Kuriko TV model? It would be useful to find a common denominator here (a pattern), to see if this is related to a recent firmware update to your LG TV models. His TV is an OLED65C97LA, and I see that the latest firmware for that was dated 12/08/2020 (hopefully European format, NOT USA!). "[05.00.10] 1. Add link for LG TV contents policy notice (German Only) 2. Software update contains minor bug fixes" If it IS from August last year, I would be very surprised if the "minor bug fixes" would have caused a problem to surface now in 2021! Unless the in-built player in the TV has had an update? Are you using the "Smartshare" TV app, or something else?
    1 point
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