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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2024 in all areas

  1. Yes, any LG IR-remote will work.
    1 point
  2. webOS TV SDK V1.2.0 Download Installer Download the proper installer. With the installer, you can choose whether to install with network installer or SDK package. Available packages: Windows 32-bit Installer_win32.zip (8.13M) Windows 64-bit Installer_win64.zip (7.52M) MacOS 64-bit Installer_maxosx.zip (7.38M) Linux 32-bit Installer_linux32.zip (7.94M) Linux 64-bit Installer_linux64.zip (7.59M) SDK Package Download the proper SDK package. To use network installer, you don't need to download the SDK package. Available packages: Windows 32-bit webOS_SDK_win32.zip (1462.29M) Windows 64-bit webOS_SDK_win64.zip (1466.67M) MacOS 64-bit webOS_SDK_mac64.zip (1451.31M) Linux 32-bit webOS_SDK_linux32.zip (1463.35M) Linux 64-bit webOS_SDK_linux64.zip (1462.28M) Please visit the LG site for complete download instructions. See the Installation Guide for step-by-step instructions.
    1 point
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