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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2025 in all areas

  1. Can anyone advise me whether this tuner is "generic" or freesat? and i would like advise on using it with a Sky+HD satellite dish.. any advice/help appreciated as im cancelling sky contract soon Michael
    1 point
  2. Hi Ana, I have a quite recent LG OLED 65 C3 (2023) which is a "smart" TV. When I first installed the TV, I also installed a lot of applications (that you can find in the LG content store). Of course I installed SPOTIFY among all the apps. Among all the new LG TVs, those that are using webOS are all elligible to get access a lot of app in the LG Content Store. From https://us.lgappstv.com/main (please change us with your country 2 letters), you can search for a specific model (for exemple mine is OLED65C3) for a specific application (for example SPOTIFY) or you can list applications supported. Generally when you have a webOS TV, there are generally like 3000 apps that you can install on your smart TV. Hope this will help you.
    1 point
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