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admin last won the day on July 24 2013

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  1. Hi my TV Model is: LG 50PH660V and I need help how to update to webOS 2.0 or later.


  2. We have a new Twitter page: https://twitter.com/LG_webOS Follow Us!!! We also added the ability to register using your twitter account!
  3. CES 2014 Next Week!

  4. Please take a moment and go to our Facebook page and like us. We need more fans and help spreading the word. Stay up to date with us here on lgwebos.com! https://www.facebook.com/LGwebOS
  5. You'll notice that we've changed the forum theme from the default IPB template. Feedback is appreciated!
  6. Tested and working.
  7. Open webos still..waiting...
  8. You can get a Verizon Palm Pre 2 on Ice Monkey for $79.99 w/ Free Shipping. http://www.icemonkey.com/palm-pre-2-verizon-webos-2-0-16gb-slide-touchscreen-smartphone-no-contract
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