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  1. That version I had few hours ago, but I wasn't able to update to 5.0. After I changed to South Africa I was able to update to 04.65.05
  2. 1. Montenegro 2. 47LB700V 3. 1.3.3-3953 (afro-arches) 4. 04.65.05
  3. I kod mene isti problem. 47LB700V Koju god zemlju da izaberem update-a nema. Ne znam ta android aplikacija, sa nje ne mogu da probam jer nemam android Still no update. 47LB700V. I don't have android phone so can't try from android APP.
  4. Koja ti je zemlja selektovana? Which country is selected on your TV?
  5. I see that it's available new firmware Software_File(Version_03.23.25) Does anyone know what is new from previous Software_File(Version_03.23.34) I guess just small upgrade, since version is basically the same.
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