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  1. This version (40.30.08) support my LG 43uk6780pte smart TV 

  2. I really like the ability to send audio files straight to the TV from Windows via Window's context menu's Play To function, or any other UPnP controller software. The TV seamlessly enters into SmartShare mode and plays the file, then seamlessly exits SmartShare when the UPnP controller is closed. My only gripe, and it's a significant one, is the lack of a screensaver when the TV is playing audio only in the SmartShare app. I realise there is an option to turn off the screen, but you have to dig through the settings to do this. Is there a setting somewhere for this feature, or did they neglect to create it? If so, it seems like a huge oversight not having a screensaver in SmartShare mode when the DNLA/UPnP renderer is playing audio only.
  3. My TV just auto-updated to software version 04.30.08. I noticed a lot of cosmetic updates: * there are now tool tips when hovering over the settings options * icon updates - my live tv icon is now an antenna (because i use an antenna), i think some other icons have been updated. * i see an option for screen capture which i havent noticed before On the downside, i can no longer watch movies through the web browser, such as using plex web. 5 minutes in to the movie the www app is crashing and complaining about not enough memory. Software version 04.30.08 WebOS TV version: 1.3.0-3208(afro-arches) Canada 47LB6300
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