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George Hofmeister

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Everything posted by George Hofmeister

  1. Hi, It is highly unlikely that YouTube will support webOS 1, as in IT lifetime terms is a very old platform. Sadly tech products quickly become out-dated, and it becomes a balance for app producers between income and cost of maintaining an old platform as to whether they continue to support it. While I have a 2016 webOS 3 TV I am not expecting it to receive an update to webOS 4 and I know that it will not take long for it to stop getting updates to the apps as well. At that point I will just plug in a Chromecast, Roku or something similar.
  2. Hi, Deezer actually produce the app for webOS and they have a great community of their own, with plenty of feedback from in-house staff in regards to problems on Smart TVs (because apparently other platforms have issue too): https://en.deezercommunity.com/search?q=lg+webos+tv
  3. Lack of apps is problem, well it is only a problem if there is not an app you specifically want. LG do not make the apps themselves and we, the end user, have no idea how much effort LG themselves make at getting content providers to produce apps for the platform. So if you want a specific app really you need to pursue that with the content provider first, then if you cannot get any joy out of them contact LG and give them proof of your interaction and then see if they will get involved. If you write code then producing an app for webOS does not seem particularly difficult, there is a well developed SDK, plenty of help, tutorials and code examples on the LG developer site and of course YouTube is there if needed. There is of course a process to go through submitting the app to LG who if they approve it will make it available in the app catalogue. I imagine that one of the biggest reasons that LG does not write the apps themselves is that content providers would have to allow access to various APIs and the like to be able to interact with their services, which some would be reluctant to do.
  4. Has anyone experiencing problems with connecting to WiFi tried using Powerline Adapters so they have a WiFi spot right in the room?
  5. There is still no native webOS app for Terrarium TV to the best of my knowledge.
  6. Absolutely no idea, I am just going by https://seositecheckup.com telling me there are no Flash elements, and that I have support for it disabled in Opera. Quite rightly Flash is never going to be supported in webOS, the same as it does not receive support by iOS devices and Samsung TVs. It is a dying product; which no one in their right mind would spend money on developing support for at this late stage in its life cycle. Contacting Amazon to add you voice to those who want webOS to be better represented would be a good move. An actual app would be the best case scenario.
  7. Now we just need that man's email address then we can badger him directly...
  8. "I think not, baby puppy." I'm happily listening to music from Amazon's website with Opera which has Flash disabled.
  9. The easiest way would be for OneBox to produce an app for webOS, otherwise no you are not going to get the service.
  10. It looks like you are trying to install an Android APK on webOS, which will not work as the two OSs are completely different beasts.
  11. It would be nice to think that between the BBC & AMC there would be the talent to put together an app for BBC America. There is already a dedicated BBC webOS app here in the UK, surely it cannot be too difficult to produce one for my American cousins.
  12. Basically the web browser in webOS is not the best at streaming data, an on-going bone of contention for many users. If a site relies on Adobe Flash you are not going to be able to view it, floating/pop-out windows can also be an issue. If you do a site search (use the search engine of your choosing, the forum search never seems to work for me at least) you will find many posts on the browser. LG even state somewhere that the browser is not designed for the consumption of streaming data. LG really want content providers to provide apps so that they do not have to (I believe) have to continuously develop the web browser to cope with the different technologies and implementations that content providers use.
  13. The store is regional; so can you let us know where you are in the world please?
  14. Cannot help you directly but have you tried the webOS Nation forums: https://forums.webosnation.com/webos-discussion/ They cover a lot of developer related stuff as well as forward facing users. Also are you signed up with the LG webOS Signage Developer site? http://webossignage.developer.lge.com A few more links: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33733500/enable-developer-mode-on-lg-webos-tv http://webostv.developer.lge.com/sdk/download/download-sdk/ http://webostv.developer.lge.com/develop/app-test/ http://developer.lge.com/main/Intro.dev http://developer.lge.com/community/forums/RetrieveForumList.dev?prodTypeCode=TV https://www.reddit.com/r/webos/comments/5e9o1i/can_i_get_root_acces_to_a_webos_signage_tv/ https://docs.appspace.com/appspace/6.2/appspace-app/compatible-operating-environments/installing-appspace-app-devices/lg/
  15. Well just to throw my hat in to the ring, I have been running my UH650V on WiFi since November 2016 without a single (TV) issue. Check your wireless access point is not being affect by an external source. It was necessary for me to replace one of my TP-Link access points as every time the microwave was used the signal would drop, after switching to a Ubiquiti Unifi AC Lite unit resolved the issue. If you are using the 2.4GHz spectrum for your WiFi then check what other household items you have that could be causing problems, for instance cordless (non-DECT) phones have the potential, although very small, to cause issues. There is an article on Wikipedia that details what devices use the 2.4GHz spectrum: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_2.4_GHz_radio_use Check regularly that none of the neighbours have over lapping WiFi channels, always select a free or least used band. Do not trust that your modem/router that has the ability to select the best band will actually do the job, I have found that many do not. If all else fails get a cable, still by far the best means of connecting a network device in terms of stability.
  16. Some light reading for you... https://www.lgwebos.com/topic/2470-wheres-hbo-go/ https://www.lgwebos.com/topic/1739-lg-adds-hbo-go-to-smart-tvs/ https://www.lgwebos.com/topic/2939-hbo-go/ https://www.lgwebos.com/topic/3254-hbo-go-app-on-lg-smart-tv/ https://www.lgwebos.com/topic/2751-hbo-go/ https://www.lgwebos.com/topic/2124-how-to-watch-hbo-go-on-a-non-supported-tv/ https://www.lgwebos.com/topic/1906-hbo-go-app-for-webos-20-65uf8500/ https://www.lgwebos.com/topic/2851-hbo-go-sho-anytime/ https://www.lgwebos.com/topic/3048-hbo-on-lg/
  17. Nope, sorry going to need a little more than that.
  18. Is your TV actually running webOS, the spec. sheet does not mention it so possibly it does not have a browser.
  19. Is the 2.1 standard hardware or software based?
  20. While I agree with the sentiment that TV manufacturers should not be expected to produce the apps for content providers, may be they should. In particular circumstances. One such circumstance? If it is a paid for view service. "Hi Mr Content provider LG here. We will produce your app for you, keep it up to date, liaise with you regularly and take all the hassle away from you. What do we want in return? Well a small percentage of the taking of course." Another circumstance? If it is going to drive people to purchase their product because it provides something no other TV platform has. I cannot think of an example off the top of my head but I am sure someone with chime in (no no no no no no no no, not Flash support in the browser). Amongst the many many reasons webOS failed at Palm/HP was the fact that third parties were not producing enough apps to make the platform attractive enough. I sit here sadly looking at my HP Pre 3, while luckily my TouchPad has Android 7 running on it.
  21. If you are running a SAMBA share you have Linux, my suggestion would be Plex.
  22. Please see the many, many, many other posts on this issue. Flash is never going to happen on webOS (or Samsung Tizen), Flash is as another poster put it 'already in its coffin'. Adobe has officially said it is killing Flash in 2020, no one in their right mind at LG is going to waste time and money supporting a hideously out-dated piece of buggy bloaty security nightmare piece of software that has been superseded by other better, slimmer, securer software. If the site you want to watch uses Flash contact the web-master and invite them in to the 21st century... Hell they could even use Adobe Muse to create the site. Oh hold on Adobe has just killed that off as well. Do you see the theme on Adobe web products going on here?
  23. There is an HBO app, it is region and market (and possibly model & software) dependant meaning not everyone is going to get access to it. Please search the forum for the many, many, many other posts on the matter.
  24. I run a Plex server, subs are stored alongside the video and matches name wise, have not experienced any issues with sub-titles.
  25. As long as you have it sorted that is all that matters.
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