For anyone still looking, the above individuals in general have no idea that LG makes more than one remote and interface.
1.) If you have a magic remote then go to the tab that has the app and hover over it and you will get the options described above and delete.
2.) No magic remote came with your tv. Then there are at least 3 interfaces with the TV BUT a universal way to delete the app IS to find the PENCIL.
However, it is not always as indicated. Normally it can be located as people said, within the app area 'way up high to the right'
unfortunately LG has now also changed this and some TV's have the pencil down on the APP list, and located all the way to the right (lower side).
When you scroll over to it click it and it should instruct you how to delete. Generally got back to the app tab and up arrow.
3.) Some TV's respect the hold the OK button when you have selected the app, but it varies if it gives you the delete option. Most start with the move the icon option. If you use the 'Hold the OK Button Press' on the app tab and you get the move the icon option first, then you need push the down arrow to get into the normal edit mode and then up arrow to choose delete.
LG has NOT been consistent with this interface. In addtion, apps are listed as free and are NOT and hence you must come here to find out how to delete as
LG has NOT put how to delete or uninstall in the help files. NOR can you search for DELETE or UNINSTALL in the help files or guides.
Good luck.
PS I have not checked the memory usage on LG tvs that have the magic remote to see if SIMON is right but I suspect she is. However, on my TV 50uh5530 when I delete the app tab using the pencil, it does free up the Internal Memory.
Once again, LG inconsistency!