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Jasim Peringattuthodi

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Everything posted by Jasim Peringattuthodi

  1. Hi as i assume you are trying to stream the high bit rate video from a remote server, can i know your internet speed? do you have any idea about the video bit rate of the 4k video secondly, the pcmcia card cannot use for extending system capabilities. Its just a card slot to add subscription cards for satallite channels ( scrambled channels) also part of some regulatory laws.
  2. You can download the LG TV Plus app on your smartphone and you will get all access what you got on your physical remote but you should connect your TV and smartphone on same wifi/ network
  3. in this case it may be difficult as LG records your IP address and TV mac ID while you are using first time Not sure the below work around will work , but just try Do a full reset and try to connect your TV through a VPN network that connected to a USA server.
  4. There is only PIP ( picture in picture) or dual view with almost LG tvs - not multiple view in this scenario you can watch any of the one input channel with TV channel/ web browser
  5. To do that you have to reset the TV and configure from beginning, and select the country you wish
  6. Hi for streaming from internet doesn't need a Gigabit Ethernet card But to play locally 4K content especially in highly frame rate , Gigabit connection is recommended Many of the LG smart tv models coming with a PCMCIA slot and i think you can add a gigabit PCMCIA card (if your Tv support card) or 4G cellular card on that port ( not tested) https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-GA511-Gigabit-Ethernet-Card/dp/B0002VITFU
  7. i couldn't found a software upgrade for your TV model. but 60 inch is there you can find it on below link Update guide here : https://www.lg.com/fr/lgecs.downloadFile.ldwf?DOC_ID=20150428217682&what=MANUAL&fromSystem=LG.COM&fileId=rZfbboPv8d3HDLU3WBLw&ORIGINAL_NAME_b1_a1=TV_Software_Update_Guide_v3.pdf WebOs 3.5: https://www.lg.com/fr/lgecs.downloadFile.ldwf?DOC_ID=20150428217682&what=MANUAL&fromSystem=LG.COM&fileId=x4PBwppdkSYMkMD4VaTbFw&ORIGINAL_NAME_b1_a1=Software_File(Version_05.30.10).zip hope this is help ful
  8. what is the model number and region of your TV?
  9. thank you ggfaf for the screen shot After a study about this issue , i understood that its just a message from google and i think you only seeing the message while you are opening google Even in PC if you open google on internet browser, it will ask to install google chrome Since the TV operating system is Linux based, its showed you Linux variations, So nothing to do , just ignore the message regards
  10. Hi Sergetd you can upgrade the WebOS from your TV itself Just connect your TV with internet using either wired connection or WiFi Go to settigs>general>about this Tv You can watch a youtube video for the same : Hope this is helped for you
  11. thank you ggfaf for the screen shot one more quiry, which version of webOS you are using?
  12. please post all the screen shots to get a clear idea about what you are talking thank you
  13. Hi Newbie this is not chrome or any other browser used in computers. its dedicated LG web browser. so while asking to update, just click update button. it will update automatically hope this is clear
  14. SKYPE is not supported by WebOs / LG
  15. Hi I am an AV expert but new to LG smart TV, Recently i purchased a LG 43UH651V smart TV with WebOs3 , i looked in to the specs and it was amazing The TV also performing very well. I have a technical question that any Web OS expert here may can answer my question I tuned my satellite channels (DVBS2) on this TV ( Intelsat 17C 66E) Sadly, this satellite is not listed in the preset satellite lists. I am using an universal LNB to cover both polarities which has a LNB frequency of 5750-5150 But unfortunately the satellite frequency setting of my TV doesn't have this frequency range. i tried to setup it manually, but its not supporting the universal frequencies. I can use 5150 frequency, but its covering only one polarity. and limited TP range frequency also I am attaching 2 images here (one from my existing satellite receiver which is worked fine form me and the other one from LG TV settings So if any one can help in this regard will be much appreciated Many thanks in advance Jasim from Dubai - UAE
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