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  1. My LG 49UB850V LED TV browser is too old. The most of the pages not work any more. How to easy update just one simple browser app? For example, often browser show error during open new page. It show certificate expire problem and page not load at all. This mean LG sell product without update at least browser certificate and now we are stuck and can not even load one page from WWW. Shame on you LG. I will not buy any more from you. How dificolt is to release new update to update OS certificates? Microsoft Windows did this, android did also for old phones, etc... Really, can not undestend this asian people from Korea.
  2. Press home menu Go to top right cytcle. Voalia.
  3. In Old version this was work perfect!!! Why you broke good and working functionality? Check with 3D video separate by one vertical separate line. For test example you can play video via network. The latest update broke 3D functionality too. Not every time 3d option is show at bottom. Fix that!!! Menu at the bottom with 3D option not want to start. Please make it force to start. When user press 3d button you can automatically set 3D mode. This is OK. For any case start menu at the bottom too. Because user make try to start tv from slow network any your algorithm will not work correctly and recognition of 3D video mode is wrong. Do you need additional video to prove that. Very disappointing. Can anybody upload image of 3d webos lg tv option at the bottom?
  4. It have a program for sorting and mangment channels. Export your chanell to USB and then import to your computer with this program. Easy and powerfull mangment, sorting of channels. To Export into USB must go to programs in settings menu Program tunings. The program name is http://sourceforge.net/projects/chansort/
  5. The bug is randomly and very rare. For a year is happing only two time when start TV. Before this bug I use smart share player and turn off TV until player is in play movie mode. Here is video for more information. LG life is not good again in 2015: http://youtu.be/K2FmJYG2ir8 Must include some feedback and simple bug report functionality. LG Store for Bulgaria location not support Today app and for that reason I switch to UK,but BBC player service not work at all. Why? In Bulgaria store apps are very poor and small number. LG developer app - I cannot logon. Your politic according this is very restricted. Why? Make it available for users.
  6. The bug is randomly and very rare. For a year is happing only two time when start TV. Before this bug I use smart share player and turn off TV until player is in play movie mode. Here is video for more information. LG life is not good again in 2015: http://youtu.be/K2FmJYG2ir8 Must include some feedback and simple bug report functionality. LG Store for Bulgaria location not support Today app and for that reason I switch to UK,but BBC player service not work at all. Why? In Bulgaria store apps are very poor and small number. LG developer app - I cannot logon. Your politic according this is very restricted. Why? Make it available for users.
  7. TV is not enough power to play full HD video. For that reason I out will never see this functionality.
  8. Please provide images of TV network settings and router dhcp options.
  9. May be your router option that provide IP to dhcp client are wrong configure are you have old firmware version or your TV is broke. My WiFi adapter start automatically when power on TV. Are you logon to lg TV store account? How many power on count show in TV settings? Is this TV are new or refurbished? What is your TV model?
  10. No
  11. In channel filter set option DTV only. But when press number from remote show collection with radio ,digital and analog channels. I use cam (CI) module. Version is 4.6
  12. Some time if I press many times buttons in smart mouse remote stop work and missing cursor. When remove battery and then put it back was fix it and work again.
  13. Today applications is missing in Bulgaria location.
  14. USB3.0 unmount after 10minutes when insert usb flash key 3.0 This is happing randomly. Sometime work correctly. Version 4.60 Tvlg uhd 49 inches
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