Best advice you could probably get, Maybe stick with (Non-Smart) televisions but stay well away from anything they suggest is Smart.
The current Problems are....
The LG store is 95% down for apps, when an app updates it could take a few days before you run it again.
You have to wait anything from 30 - 60 seconds when you turn on the tv to change channel.
The tv guide is basically an app, so that also takes ages to open (if it's not open)
LG Technical Support are a complete waste of time, they would rather blame the app developer when the LG store is down.
Did I say it takes 30 - 60 seconds before you can use the telly? (it's the 1950's all over again)
Watching something on Iplayer at random times ' out of memory error ' pops up.
Sometimes the audio is out of sync.