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sensehack last won the day on June 16 2017

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  1. LG UB850T Indian Model. Using Australian country settings. Smartshare still couldn't play some AVI "Errors saying This file couldn't be played" which was the same error from the start. PC plays those files just fine. 4K files above 3840x 2160p are playable. I think so.
  2. Got an update of WebOS 2 . Afro - Ashley code name running above 5.0 + Youtube loading is 2x fast. Quick settings are breeze. Dynamic color profiles & aspect ratios. Faster DLNA server cast media. Smartshare is also faster.
  3. I'm too from India , so which set up box do you use .I'm planning on buying TATA sky 4k STB.
  4. Have you tried this command in CMD with the folder you want to hide for eg. I want to hide Folder "XYZ" in Drive D or hide a file "XYZ.mp4" type CMD : D: attrib +h +s XYZ attrib +h +s XYZ.mp4 Commands: "attrib -h -s *.* " (for showing /unhiding ) "attrib +h +s *.* " (for hiding ) Regards, Kautilya Save (SensehacK)
  5. @jordyvang thanks for mentioning it . Would love to get Photos Slideshow as Screensaver.
  6. @forum1 the buttons work fine with the Light response just I hope we could configure them to our Desire.
  7. I would like to know the four buttons of the remote and still haven't used them . I pressed every one of them but nothing happened. If only we have the option to configure these hot buttons for the settings or configurations we like For eg. Red color : would only turn screen off not the audio playback. Green color: change aspect ratio of playing video (Smart share). Yellow color: 3D settings Blue color : Favorites Channel.
  8. I would like to know the four buttons of the remote and still haven't used them . I pressed every one of them but nothing happened. If only we have the option to configure these hot buttons for the settings or configurations we like For eg. Red color : would only turn screen off not the audio playback. Green color: change aspect ratio of playing video (Smart share). Yellow color: 3D settings Blue color : Favorites Channel.
  9. Try using the HDD with Windows & then check the folder with properties & check "Hidden" . let me know if it works for you.
  10. I never got the screensaver how does it looks.
  11. Same I can't set my screen video aspect ratio to full screen with one click , have to dig the home button ,then settings & change it . cumbersome.
  12. @Mr.north they should at least add some more features to it smart share & make it little smart. & @vivekpohre Indian , you can listen to music which browsing the folders but can't hear the music if switched to different app, basically for audio background playback the app should be On.
  13. @womanizerzz ,yes you can change audio in webos TV , you just have to select arrow like icon on the video playback & then audio tag
  14. You could turn it off just the screen via settings >screen brightness or auto save energy ,then turn off the display . After 3 secs the screen will turn off.
  15. ^ there is a Plex client on Australia country settings (from India) And my guess would be get "mkvtoolmix" windows software for embedding SRT or subtitles files on mkv files container
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