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queenblight` last won the day on December 2 2014

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  1. One Year Ago I was bitching about my then new LG webos TV and I took it Back and got Samsung, best, decision, ever My samsung tv simply works and fast! And everything is up to date, the TV is alive FTW Sorry guys youre kinda fucked with these LG tvs. I hear Sony, Phillips etc. have good series with android now too so... choose wisely
  2. Do not buy webos series of LG TV sets. Get something else or if you insist on the LG brand wait 2015 series (I doubt that they will be better but whatever). I already returned 2 tv sets and got samsung instead, best decision ever.
  3. I returned my 42lb700v and got myself a samsung, best. decision. ever. These TVs suck balls
  4. Ok the reality is this: Netcast (the older platform) rules, WebOS sucks (At least how LG implemented it, and every other implementation of every owner of webos).
  5. Does anyone has any information on this. Can I do something to make the browser run flash, or install other browser? The interface is slow... Is anyone satisfied with any LG TV ever?
  6. Wtf is wrong with fucking LG. No fucking flash support no html5 support. That's it I'm taking back this crap TV. I'm getting samsung ftw.
  7. LG webos TVs are crap, slow sluggish, and with the newest update i cant see my plex server... total bullshit. The technology they use - webos have already failed 2 times under palm and hp, this is the third time that is failing. Although the system might be good in theory and the interface is somehow fancy, there is not nearly enough information on how to solve a specific problem that you might have plus you only have access to very basic stuff. The browser doesn't have flash support nor html5, so you basically cant watch any video in the browser, you can only read stuff. The lack of support for flash is somehow understandable but html5?! super dumb decisions are being made at LG. Good luck finding detailed specs for the Lg TVs online, for the ram, internal memory, the processors etc, since the performance of the TVs nowdays depends on that.. or find out how the models are lined up. The community sucks balls, there is no one to help you if you are stuck with something. Not to mention LG support is terrible. If you think about buying one dont, either wait for android tvs or buy non smart Tv with fast menus and get hdmi android box and attach it to the tv, much better solution. Most of the manufacturers are not sure what they are doing with the smart TVs, it's still transitional period and is just a big mess. Edit: I have 2 samsung and 2 LG TVs of same generation and price range... The samsungs are by far superior TVs.
  8. Also I found out this solution. I reposted it on other thread but will post here too. In smart share application go to devices->TV and you will find the pictures in internal memory/camera from there you can delete them. This is on 4.xx firmware update but on 3.xx should be the same although there is no devices option instead on the left where it says pictures, music, videos and all, you need to select all and then go to folder view on top right it will list the devices like TV, usb, shared content on servers etc. from the you will be able to go into the internal memory of the TV/camera.
  9. Ok i found out how to delete those pictures. In smart share application go to devices->TV and you will find the pictures in internal memory/camera from there you can delete them. This is on 4.xx firmware update but on 3.xx should be the same although there is no devices option instead on the left where it says pictures, music, videos and all, you need to select all and then go to folder view on top right it will list the devices like TV, usb, shared content on servers etc. from the you will be able to go into the internal memory of the TV/camera.
  10. Can you delete any pictures at all? I made a screenshot now i cant delete it
  11. Yeah I'm searching for the same thing... There might not be such delete option.. what a crap os...
  12. Lg 42lb700v-za FW 3.25.15 It offers 4.30.16 do I update? Will I still be able to see plex media server that is on my pc or only the LG smart share application.. Will the menus and smart menus be more responsive or more sluggish Will I get the erros that everyone is complaining about like - not enough memory and such. Is it possible to restore to 3.25.15 if I dont like the 4.30.15 update? Thank you in advance
  13. I have the same problem with MS wirelesss keyboard and mouse.. Keyboard doesnt work in youtube app...
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