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Everything posted by schneidernet

  1. Might depend on the year. I can't talk to my C7 either. Bought a Shield Pro 2019 and that along with my Harmony Hub, makes the A word unnecessary for LG. Harmony and shield are supported by the 'ol girl.
  2. My C7 WebOS is old and lacking. I gave up and bought an Nvidia Shield Pro 2019. Works perfectly. FireTV, Roku, AppeTV are other more up-to-date options. For a $3k TV you'd think they would support it longer.
  3. My C7 WebOS does Disney+ with DD Plus and HDR while my Shield Pro 2019 does it with Atmos and Vision. Pretty sad a $2K plus TV gets beat by a $200 box.
  4. Just updated my C7 to Software_File(Version_05.80.50 . Tried to update Disney+ but it just sits there. Will not update. Any ideas. Don't if 05.80.50, Disney, or content store.
  5. Just dumped my Fire TV Cube 2 for all kinds of reasons. replaced it with an Nvidia Shield Pro 2019. All my issues solved. Actually hitting 900mbs on Ethernet. Does Vision and Atmos. Logi K600 keyboard supported. Trying to get Plex setup. Very nice trouble free box.
  6. Is it plugged into USB 3 on the side panel? i have a four-port hub plugged into USB 3 and the CB dongle plugged into the hub. Firmware updates download fine.
  7. I understand there is a test going on in the Netherlands but otherwise no app is available worldwide. The Netherlands test is certainly a good sign though.
  8. I don't tweat, facetime, duo, skype, facebook, whistle, or any of the other stuff. Sites like this, email, and grudgingly text are enough for my old eyes and brain. EDIT: I take that back. I just twitted them. Guess that makes me a TWIT unless that is now a politically incorrect term. If so. I take it back with apologies. I did buy a Roku 4K stick as backup. Always need backup. That said for US folks, I've been with DirecTV since '97 and fiddling the last couple of years for an Internet alternative. Have attic antennas and 1gb fiber. On 3 week YoutubeTV trial, and despite the dumb name, I think it will be the winner. Integrated interface for OTA's and OTT's, surround sound, 9-month free cloud DVR (very functional), fastforward (also very functional), multiple platforms, and better picture quality than the others. Actually exceptional. No more box rental either. All for 50 bucks a month. I will still keep Netflix and Prime and come and go with HBO, Sho, and Hulu depending on their lineup. Try it. 3-weeks 4 free. I'm already using it in place of DTV. Oh, and WebOS does support YTTV.
  9. I guess it's a WebOS problem. So far it is not supported. Someone has to write a D+ app and publish it in the Content Store. I bought a Roku 4K for my OLED that will support it. One nice discovery was that I always understood plugging things into HDMI 1, 3, and 4 (I think there is a 4) would only play sound through the TV speakers. Not so. It seems to pass DD and DD+ back to my AVR through HDMI 2 fine. The AVR says its playing Surround, DD, and DD+ depending on what I am playing. I think I even got Atmos playing Mrs Maisel via Prime through the Roku stick. Just got it so still playing.
  10. Me too. I've subscribed but so far will be unable to watch it. I have Fire TV but Amazon and Disney are not friends. Don't want to buy a Roku. No good Android TV boxes except Shield but it's long in the tooth. Thinking maybe a Chromecast Ultra via my tablet. CORDCUTTING IS HARD!
  11. Ditto that Amazon Cable Matters works and works better than onboard input.
  12. Not true. I was getting 30mbs and lower down through the TV's port. Being curious I tried the CableMatters USB 3.0 dongle into my 4-port USB adapter and get now 90mbs down according to LG app. My house connection is 1gb fiber that tests reliably above 980mbs up and down. The TV is fed via Cat 7 to a switch and then Cat6 to the TV. The USB adapter connects a Logi KB RF dongle and USB sticks used for firmware updates and other purposes. Anyway the 90 down is plenty fine for streaming so I am not inclined to investigate why the set tests so low. Maybe if bored, I'll connect a GB Ethernet laptop to how it fares on the line. Also confirm I bought US Amazon CableMatters in Black and TV settings shows NO Wired or WiFi connection at all but it works. http://Cable Matters USB to Ethernet Adapter (USB 3.0 to Ethernet / USB 3 to Ethernet / USB to Gigabit Ethernet / USB to RJ45) Supporting 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps Ethernet Network in Black
  13. How about an USB gigabit adapter? I added a four port USB hub to my C7 to make it easier to access the port for firmware updates and to add a Logitech Unifying Receiver for a keyboard. Amazon has many. a link to one attached: https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Matters-Ethernet-Adapter-Supporting-x/dp/B00BBD7NFU/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1541851589&sr=8-6&keywords=usb+gigabit+ethernet+adapter+3.0&dpID=41wp1EEgSCL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
  14. Depends too on many other bloodsuckers are on one's network.
  15. I am US and have it my Firetv, tablet, phones, and and Roku. It is not, however, in the WebOS store. Probably up to HBO to port it.
  16. 4K only needs 25mbs. Works fine on my C7.
  17. Not in the US and even so would be in stereo. No 5.1.
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