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murastefano last won the day on April 10 2016

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  1. Hi, could you please share the content file list in the hdd ? movie file names, image files names and text files ? i would understand how this hdd pack works on webos tv. Thanks.
  2. Hi, by design WebOS is unable to process 4k resolution via NAS / DLNA, this is a limitation of SmartShare. About to play full resolution 1920 x 1080 per eye in SBS i got it working with BDtoAVCHD (http://www.connecta2000.com/BDtoAVCHD/?lang=en) Is free, works and can be scriptable with avisynth to get MKV SBS up to 4k resolution and you can also encode video with x265 ! SmartShare is able di recognise this SBS MKV 3D automatically and play immediatly with 3D on ! Stefano
  3. Hi Masssimiliano, there are no workaround on WebOS 2.0, maybe on V3.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciao Massimiliano, anche io sono italiano, purtroppo sembra che non sia fattibile fare stream 4K da DLNA su WebOS 2.0, così dicono le specifiche tecniche. Forse nella versione 3.0 ci sono più focus sul 4k.
  4. 4K contents must be on the HDD plugged to USB 3.0 (that TV has one), and the resolution supported is 3840 x 2160 , both H264 and H265. Some 4K contents available on YouTube are 4096 x 2XXX ..and are no supported by this TV, watching 4k contents using YouTube app is not the same becouse the app. arrange resolution and datarate to get working on the TV. Some issues i faced with 4k content muxed in MP4, try remux MP4 to MKV seems to be better supported by webOS. @poplovelydays: please provide the content of the text file with name "08.JIYEON_1minute_1second" i think that could help me and others to solve others issues related to video thumbnails preview, please.
  5. Sorry for my misunderstanding, i thought was about standard 4k containers like mp4 or MKV. Looking to pictures i see you have 1 file for audio track "audio.mkv" (or MKA) and 1 track for video "video.mkv" + subtitles and thumbnail image. I see you tried to play the content via SmartShare, isn't ? and seems to be chapters of the same video ..may be tagged in the video track file. I suggest you to mux the video track with the audio track to a new MKV file, with tools like toolnix, and try to play the new MKV file in USB 3.0 plugged HDD. Could you also paste here the content of the text file, i see on the left in the picture, with the same name of the folder please? Hope to help. Stefano
  6. Hi, if i could understand your problem is about 4K content ? isn't ? I have the same TV and actually webOS has support for 4K contents if they are covered by specs described in the help menu provided by the TV. Check this specs with your 4K contents to see if they are right. Your 4K contents must be on the HDD plugged to USB 3.0 (that TV has one), and the resolution supported is 3840 x 2160 , both H264 and H265. Some 4K contents available on YouTube are 4096 x 2XXX ..and are no supported by this TV, watching 4k contents using YouTube app is not the same becouse the app arrange resolution and datarate to get working on the TV. Some issues i faced with 4k content muxed in MP4, try remux MP4 to MKV seems to be better supported by webOS. Stefano
  7. Hi skychia45, if you are talking about MediaShare there is an arrow icon on the right visible when you move the smart remote or press button on "normal" remote. Where pressed, the arrow icon i mean, a new menu will come out with other 2 icons. The first one is for subtitles and the second is for multiple audio. Subtitle icon is disabled if there are not subtitles or are unsupported. The audio icon is always enabled also for only one audio track, if you "click" on this icon you will see selection box for supported audio if any.
  8. Hi Irwell, i got 3D Full HD working on SmartShare in every container like MP4, MKV and MTS but not over DLNA, i read in the specs that by design 4k is not available over DLNA. I have external HDD connected to USB 3.0 port. Anyway i got it working after many try between compatibility and image quality. I can say that SmartShare is unable to play SBS 3840 x 1080 becouse the WIDTH (3840) is initial step to determinate if the resolution is 4K. And if it is 2160 height is expetced. I really don't know why. I tried Many othere video with mixed resolution more close to 4k like 3840 x 2000 and fail to play. So to get Full HD SBS i upscaled 3840x1080 to 3840x2160 in SBS to get 4K full resolution, and with passive 3D i got full resolution per eye. I success in some case to put two videos OU (Top Bottom) instead SBS to get 1920x2160 instead 3840x1080 but nevere tried over DLNA. Hope to be in help, Stefano
  9. Hi Veronika, i think that the issue can be due the size of the USB key, 16 GB. As the tv expect and uses USB 3.0 port for HDD to get Live TV extra functionalities like pause, replay, etc.. it need 40GB of free space to do that and may be then refuse and disconnect the key. I think this is a bug of WebOS and not a defective piece. Hope to help, Stefano
  10. Hi, on my experince timeshift/live pause feature works only on HDD on usb. Some videos not play over network but play on HDD on usb, in my case usb 3.0 Stefano
  11. How to show video cover art on SmartShare on WebOS ? I have many movies, mp4 or mkv file with cover art muxed, but SmartShare show only a randomic picture taken from movie as preview. I'm not on DLNA but in HDD on USB 3.0 port so not using media servers like Windows or Plex. Where do i have to put cover arts? Side-by-side in same directory of the file with same name like: movie1.mp4 - cover1.jpg ? Anyone successed to get cover art showing? Thanks
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