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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I suppose we have TVs to look forward to from LG in 2014 according to the Verge: http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/26/4031906/first-lg-webos-tvs-to-launch-in-2014-with-revamped-interface Maybe an announcement at CES? http://www.cesweb.org/
  2. LG has a site up for it's Sillicon Valley Lab operations: http://lgsvl.com/ webOSThe next generation, web-centric platform built to run on a wide range of form factors. It is a proven operating system that enables users to deliver the same seamless and intuitive interactions everywhere. There are exciting developments in the works and we’ll keep you posted.
  3. $45,000...not too shabby! Let's see where it goes....
  4. If you are on AT&T, T-Mobile, or other GSM carrier, you can still get that tiny little HP Veer over at Target for $114.99! http://www.target.com/p/hp-veer-4g-p160-unlocked-cell-phone-for-gsm-compatible-white-black/-/A-14243236?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=Google_PLA_df&LNM=%7C14243236&CPNG=Electronics&kpid=14243236&LID=PA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=14243236&gclid=CKzOq5m9jLgCFYuf4AodTWAAOw
  5. Maybe the Pre 4 could be a slab with a slide out horizontal keyboard like the first Motorola Droid...
  6. I still have a few of these...
  7. You can now get a Verizon Pre 2 for $59.99! http://www.icemonkey.com/palm-pre-2-verizon-webos-2-0-16gb-slide-touchscreen-smartphone-no-contract
  8. Not much new here lately except the "sponsored By LG" at the bottom of the page...
  9. Is anyone using CyanogenMod on their Touchpad?
  10. Looks like there has been a new logo file added to wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:LG-WebOS.png&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  11. Update plugin installed.
  12. We've just installed the Tapatalk plugin for all you mobile users! Get it in the app catalogs for iOS and Android. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  13. For all the latest on Open webOS, be sure to visit the Open webOS Project http://www.openwebosproject.org/ Now sponsored by LG!
  14. Open webOS ported to the Nexus 7, gives us the Touchpad Go that might have been (video)
  15. http://www.law360.com/classaction/articles/440641/hp-can-t-quite-beat-investor-claims-over-nixing-webos
  16. If I had to wish for someting, it would be the HP Pre 3 but as an LG Pre 4 with even better hardware and 4G LTE!
  17. It's been pretty quiet in webOS land lately....I hope LG is cooking up something interesting!
  18. Run Android Apps in webOS on the HP Touchpad by Phoenix International Communications http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1957339277/run-android-apps-in-webos-on-the-hp-touchpad DONATE TODAY!
  19. Site renamed lgwebos.com!

  20. It's a roller coaster ride with webOS and news is scarce these days....but with the recent LG news, we've decided to rename this forum LG webOS and as such can be access by visiting lgwebos.com. All old urls will be redirected and all memberships and topics remain the same. We'll just have to watch and see what LG decides to do with our beloved webOS!
  21. So LG has bought WebOS, the next Chapter begins! Smart TVs we hope will lead to mobile devices.
  22. Open WebOs Beta is supposed to hit today.. http://blog.openwebosproject.org/post/30593510898/open-webos-august-edition
  23. With webOS moving to an open source platform and getting a renaming to Open webOS 1.0 in September by HP, we secured the domain name openwebosforum.com, and are officially as of today, changing the name of this site from webOS Dummies to Open webOS Forum, a forum for webOS enthusiasts! We hope to draw in some more webOS fans wth this name change and reach a new audience. It's a new name for a new generation of webOS platform changes, we look forward to following Open webOS and it's development.
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