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Saurabh YADAV (Sau1212)

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  1. Replace my lg smart tv to samsung smart tv dis tv is more better then lg smart tv i am very happy gudbye lg 
  2. Replace my lg smart tv to samsung smart tv dis tv is more better then lg smart tv i am very happy gudbye lg Sony And other local band use android os in smarts tv sets but Samsung use tizen Os do you know tizen is more better then Lg webos many & more Indian app avilable in Samsung Smart tv Store So Samsung Tv look Smart But Webos tv no Indian App in store dis tv is wasting money for Indian customers lg smart tv is name only smart but working very old pc
  3. Sony And other local band use android os in smarts tv sets but Samsung use tizen Os do you know tizen is more better then Lg webos many & more Indian app avilable in Samsung Smart tv Store So Samsung Tv look Smart But Webos tv no Indian App in store dis tv is wasting money for Indian customers lg smart tv is name only smart but working very old pc
  4. Remove web OS version form lg smart tv & Replace to Android Os version dis os version is more & more better then webos version webos looking 70s -80s pc type os
  5. Dis tv is not good for indian customers other band is better now
  6. Many site not open dis browser but lg not update this chrome browser
  7. Hotstar & more app not working 2018 Models because Chrome browser not updating on webos tv lg smart tv is name only not a smart its 80s pc type
  8. Indian App like Sonyliv ,Hotstar,Voot & Many More App not available for indian customer in lg content store Why? WebOS is not good for india but other brand Samsang,Sony,Panasonic Mitv Content sotre available more & more india app for indian customer so other brand is better than lg webos tv i want replce my lg smart tv to other brand how plz tell me
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