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Blackeyed last won the day on November 6 2015

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  1. Try searching on Kodi support forums: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=294172&highlight=dlna+lg
  2. Check batteries in Magic Remote. I switch to rechargeable batteries for that reason.
  3. I have problems with LG Store, YouTube and couple other apps couple days ago, on some Serbian forum told me to try with change "LG Service Country" and it works for me. Now everything is working like earlier.
  4. Try to change "LG Sevice Country" to somewhere else (some other country). TV will reset and everything should be working. Your programs and settings will not be affected with this change.
  5. Couple days ago I changed the cable provider, have to perform new scanning of channels . All this went OK but I'm really annoyed of slow operation in sorting channels in the Program Manager ( TV 's 42LB671v , the latest official firmware 5.0.40 or something like that ) . To speed thing up I try ChanSort ( https://github.com/PredatH0r/ChanSort ) , copy channels on USB , sorting in ChanSort, return modified file via USB to the TV ....And.. Complete mess.. catastrophe, no more digital channels . I had to scan all over again . I try to put the original file back to TV but there no success, I had to scan all over again. Now read this article : https://github.com/PredatH0r/ChanSort/wiki/LG seems to have some specific requirements when working with LG ... Has anyone managed to work with ChanSort? to edit the channel list and return successfully to TV ( for LB series ) ?
  6. Plex (on PC) is working just fine with WebOS TV thru SmartShare, But much better choice is Serviio or Mezzmo...
  7. Will be get the v2.0 of WebOs? Short answer: No. They just give us some functionality of WebOS 2.0, that it!
  8. Chromecast is one of solutions for your request. Also, youtube app can stream directly to your TV, just pair it with your TV first...
  9. ...And bay Samsung, then ralized they have problems with subtitles (using DLNA servers)...Everybody have some issues...
  10. Honestly, I did not try this. As soon as I aranged my channel back to normal (spend some almost half an hour) I dont want I try what you suggested.
  11. Did you try this app? Yes, you can open file with list of channels, and you sort them, but when I put file back to TV, channels become totaly in random order on TV.,. I try this on 42LB671v
  12. Maybe this gadget is solution to your problem, plug in headphones output on TV and you have BT A2DP: http://www.ebay.com/itm/new-3-5mm-Bluetooth-Wireless-A2DP-Stereo-Audio-Hifi-Dongle-Transmitter-Adapter-/231573984826?hash=item35eae2963a
  13. I want to enter hotel menu on 42LB671v-ZB, to make a copy of chanel list on USB and to use following software for rearange it: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chansort/ Fond this video on youtube but that method does not work on my TV: So, how to enter hotel menu on LG WebOS TV ?
  14. 42LB671v-ZB 3.23.38 WebOS: 1.2.0-2738 (afro-angels) Serbia Question: How to force TV to find update? When i check is there new firmware, TV check and return that is no update for it. Maybe i should wait a little longer ? TV is instaled 5 days ago.
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