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Everything posted by lgwebosi

  1. No transcoding (at least not that I know of)
  2. I second that request. Would be a great feature to be able to reporogram that button.
  3. I second that request. Would be a great feature indeed
  4. Same here (I do realise though, that flac is not listed in the specs; would however be great to have it; possibly not implemented for licensing reasons)
  5. I second the wish to be able to mount shares - would be great indeed.
  6. I can confirm that with webOS 3.7.1 it works (4k, 3840x2160, 60 fps, ts-file, HEVC, AAC, LG OLED 55 C7D, QNAP TS-251)
  7. I second that idea. Having the ability to bookmark a specific path on the NAS would indeed be a great feature.
  8. I am also able to rewind out-of-the-box using the magic remote. I have a NAS from QNAP (TS-251). It works with regular DLNA and also Twonky (have not tried Plex yet).
  9. I second this. Please consider this indeed.
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