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LG TV Customer Austria

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  1. Got already update OTA today. Region Austria. - 05.05.01 - Austria - 60LB730V-ZE - webOS 1.4.0-2518 (afro-ashley)
  2. Got already update OTA today. Region Austria. - 05.00.55 - Austria - 60LB730V-ZE - webOS 1.4.0-2515 (afro-ashley)
  3. Hi Dejan,Thank you for Information. I am still wondering about the rumors which said that in the Summer of 2015 webOS 2 will be available for the 2014 TVs. Does anybody know anything about it?
  4. - 05.00.15 - Austria - 60LB730V-ZE - webOS 1.4.0-2507 (afro-ashley) Does anyone know a neuer Software for 2014 TV?
  5. Here I found that Version 04.45.04, Webos 1.3.3-3246(afro-arches) males the problem http://stadt-bremerhaven.de/lg-problem-webos-update/ Interesting that I had no issue updating to that release...
  6. News says that Auto-Update for 2014 LB-LG-TVs kills them all. I am not sure which version because news article does not refer to release-number. Unfortunately I can not post a link translated automatic in english. Please use Wordlingo for translation. Google Translater is crashing with FuturezoneWebsite. Futurezone Article (biggest IT News Site in Austria) http://futurezone.at/produkte/software-update-legt-lg-fernseher-lahm/123.286.486 Online Translator: http://www.worldlingo.com/SYls3jUpdI3Kl5v,4Ur4A88awLSEg_7n8sZbrxpDzkcM-/translate
  7. -04.45.04 - UK - 60LB730V-ZE - webOS 1.3.3-3246(afro-arches) I change Location to UK and got update. Strange...
  8. - 04.41.32 - Germany - 60LB730V-ZE - webOS 1.3.2-3232(afro-arches) I changed Location to Germany and got update. Strange...
  9. Does anyone know a list online to search for latest version available? I have no clue where to search. The latest version at LG-Website is an earlier release as which I have on my TV!?
  10. - 04.33.22 - Austria - 60LB730V-ZE - webOS 1.3.1-3222(afro-arches) Every time I try to update, I get reply "Prüfen auf Aktualisierung nicht möglich" after several minutes. This does mean that an update is not possible? Internet Connection is working well, Youtube and Internet is working.
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