I'm using SMART IPTV app with an iptv list.
The service provider already guaranteed that the server is more than capable to share media through internet.
I also tested playing movies through usb pen with success. Initially I was connected with ethernet port, but experiencing buffering issues, so I decided to connect with wireless so I could achieve more speed (around 200mbps).
Basically I'm trying to stream High bitrate 4K movies (Bluray quality) through internet with no success (buffering from time to time), but I already guaranteed that the problem is not with the server and also by connecting with a speed that is superior than the bitrate of the movies. Also the 5GHz band is used exclusively by the TV with no interference from the neighborhood, since they use only the 2.4GHz band.
If I could use a PCMCIA card with gigabit connection it would be great.