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  1. Yes, just go up to the top right of the screen, select the icon that looks like a note and select what day you want.
  2. Hi vs2, Just wanting to clarify that the TV Guide will allow series recording ie same time, same day of week, each week, can you do that? Thanks.
  3. Just the Freeview Plus I think. It seems ridiculous that we have a tv that can record and a freeview guide that shows the EPG info but there is no way to record from the guide ! I am going to post on LG facebook page and see what they have to say.
  4. Today received 05.00.15 OTA for 50LB650V
  5. Believe it when I see it. Was supposed to be a few weeks ago, then last Thursday etc etc.
  6. May not be a good idea to use the Australian firmware, LG said there was a NZ-specific one coming..... We have held up the update for NZ, as we're introducing some NZ-specific changes to the software.
  7. Did he say what the version number was?
  8. I will be waiting for them to confirm I can revert to a previous version before I try it. Mind you, the fact that an official update has not happened anywhere else yet makes me a bit doubtful we will actually see anything today.
  9. I don't know. Asked them the same question but didn't get a reply.
  10. LG NZ confirm NZ-specific update should be available today, be interesting to see what version we get
  11. Away from the TV for s few days but I think I posted the version I have a while ago.
  12. Away from the TV for s few days but I think I posted the version I have a while ago.
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