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  1. @loay Same boat as yourself except I purchased the Tv a month or so before Christmas for my wife so she can catch up on missed Tv series in the bedroom instead of forcing me to watch her boring soapy, Took a couple o weeks more to find out that this tv is now useless to us, Just tossing up to return it or wait for a workaround or hang on for 7->8 years for a complete HTML5 change over.
  2. Bitterly disappointed!!!!!!!!! HTML5 may be the future but LG should have forked out for the licencing fee during this transition period or got one of their WebOS monkeys to develop an app to solve to problem. Or put a big sticker on the side of the box that says "DOES EVERYTHING EXCEPT STREAM WEB CONTENT " Guess I got three options Wait for a WebOS developer to create a work around. Dust off my old PC and stick it behind the DUMB TV Or take the bloody thing back Any suggestions on other reputable brand smart tv's would be appreciated
  3. I signed up just so I can say.................. What a great idea
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