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Everything posted by Idiotwind

  1. Me also in UK, 650V. 4.45.04. Previous new versions I've needed to change region to get but this one showed up for the UK. No idea what's changed.
  2. I'm in the UK and time machine is in the settings (and featured on advertising)
  3. That's the million dollar question but I agree it doesn't look good!
  4. I don't care what version number they stick on webos as long as they keep doing big fixes and performance updates and the AppStore is kept up to date. A big if!
  5. Tried a new format NTFS
  6. Does this work with USB sticks or just HDDs? It's not recognising my USB stick although smart share sees it
  7. Pascal the article says the exact opposite. No upgrade for 2014 TVs
  8. Just updated to 04.41.32 1.3.2-3232(afro-arches) Changed location to Germany and updated over the wifi. We will see if it helps any of the problems. So far I give lg 9/10 for the screen and 4/10 for the software
  9. Will that work with my model? Can you link to it on the Russian site, trying to find on a tranlslated version but failing
  10. 32lb650v in the uk Software: 4.32.20 Webos 1.3.1-3220(Afro-arches) Has anyone tried any of the beta versions from other countries? The Russian forum links to a 4.60 Any chance of that fixing the out of memory error bug or speeding things up? Thanks
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