I'm very disappointed with your silly moves LG. I was very amazed with my first look on lg oled55b7v series , briliant screen, collours and all over. After i bought this TV shit started to happenned, LG started doing updates and every update make picture quality worse and worse, shame on you lg!!!! Now i'm serious pissed off because last update 5.30.15 completely messed up picture quality, with old firmware there was no glow from the object on black background, was a lot better upscaling , better dinamics, clarity of upscaled picture and much more picture quality , shame on you LG !!! , and i can say this is my last tv from LG , no more shit at my home, customer care does not exist, you steal only money from cheated customers this what you like!!! I'm looking for posibibility to roll back that shitty firmware to the very first one where picture was cristal clear , pixels was stable still now they dancing, jumping never in same place , i'm not stuppid i know why that shit heppend , because you try tu show the people "better" quality of new series of your TV's but there is no difference in oled panel itself so you drop down quality of older series by updating them with shitty firmware , shame on you!!! i have also 55sj810v i never updated firmware in this tv tv have better quality picture on old firmware than my more expensive oled on new firmware but everyone know that those two tv's have same electronics inside, shame on you!!! So i demand possibility to rollback firmware to the old, you cheated me looks like you stolle my money droping down quality of my TV. This is case to take legal action against your company in the court, and also action on youtube and social media to show people how you robbing them with your dodgy updates and also action to show everyone how to roll back firmware and crack your webos