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PeterV last won the day on June 9 2022

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  1. This looks like this topic:
  2. No it is not: you have to buy a licence. See this Microsoft Site https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/intellectualproperty/tech-licensing/programs?activetab=pivot1:primaryr2
  3. No, you setup a plex server, this can be your day to day computer. After this you can stream movies from your computer to the plex app on your LG TV, More info on plex website
  4. To record one channel and watch an other you need two tv decoders and I don't think LG tv's have that. The only thing you can do is record tv while you are away.
  5. Did you try it? Did it work? The LG files are encrypted so I doubt it.
  6. I had a similar problem that my LG store was empty. There were no apps any more. It has been working for years but not any more. Other apps still worked fine, could use Netflix and YouTube. Could use the web browser without problems. The LG TV was using a wired connection and I could see it in the network. After a long search on the internet I decided to change the Network setting. Instead of DHCP (automatic) I gave it a fixed IP address and used as DNS server and.....the store started to work again. Very strange but maybe this story could help you update your apps. Good luck.
  7. You can only record when using the antenna, not while using a set top box.
  8. No, you can not do that. You need something like this:video grabber to grab video to a computer. These converters are not very expensive.
  9. I don't have problems with Plex for being unresponsive. What I did was disable video stream transcoding because the Plex app on my LG tv can play all the formats I send it. Why you have to disable VPN, I don't know. Not using VPN on the machine my Plex server is on. On an other machine with VPN I can tweak which addresses are send over VPN and which not but don't know if that helps you. But, if you don't like Plex, maybe you can try something like emby. I don't have experience with that but maybe it is something for you. Something I tried before was serviio. This works but was not as slick as Plex. Good luck and stay save
  10. DNLA subtitles are supported but not in all languages (as you can find on this forum). The Media player is a bit simple. It works with Serviio (I have used it) but there are nicer solutions. I myself use Plex but there are more apps that do the same. For Plex there is a native app on the TV and that works great.
  11. All standard applications from LG are very simple. There are a few apps in de LG store that do a better job. What I use is Plex. You use a computer as a Plex media server. It will show the thumbnails, actors backgrounds and much more. More info on internet There are more media servers (like Serviio) ore apps on in de LG store but this is for me the best.
  12. Hmm, it is indeed a bit strange.... but you can always make a wish 🙂
  13. The Plex App is called Plex and it is (al least on my TV) available in the App store. I just looked in the LG App Store on my TV and man, there are a lot of apps now. You have to select 'All' to find it. X-Play was the predecessor of the Plex App before this app was available on the LG TV.
  14. The network interface of the TV is only 100MB, enough for most movies but sometimes not enough for 4K content. You can more info on this elsewhere on this forum. My suggestion was to add Plex (or Emby or something else) as a server on a computer and add all the network drives you want to that computer. This could stream the content to your TV using the native Plex (of Emby) app. LG is not reading this forum. It is a User to User Support forum.
  15. You can disable transcoding in the native Plex app by setting video to 'original'. There is also an Emby player where transcoding can be disabled on the server but I do not have any experience with that.
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