Do you have a picture of the issue? The number one problem I hated on my original 2015 LG OLED was colour banding which was largely solved on my subsequent 2018 C8 by the decontouring Quad Step Noise Reduction (activated via the MPEG Noise Reduction on my TV but with a separate menu on the C9). I find the “Auto” setting to be best but with the function switched off, I find LG OLED TVs practically unwatchable! The pictures below show the colour banding when, unbelievably, LG deactivated the QSNR within a software update in Spring 2019. It took me writing to them incessantly to get them to admit to what they had done. It was corrected with the next update. I now NEVER allow the TV to be updated to the next software version without checking online with other users that the QSNR is still functioning...