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webOS BP

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  1. I did the upgrade on my 55ec930v and did not find any drawback but no improvements either. I came from a beta 05.00.55 and wanted to have the official release. There also was an official 05.00.55 but I could not install it because it was no newer version.
  2. Yes, via usb. It is described at the download page from LG next to the firmware in a document. Create an LG_DTV folder on a usb drive and put the unzipped firmware in it. Put it in the tv and click the popuo and pull it out only when it is ready updating.
  3. I couldn't wait. Installed it also and no changes so far except for an ID which can be chosen under info (where the firmware info is)? Seems to work fine after 2 hours of using.
  4. Does anyone want to share their findings about firmware 05.05.01?
  5. 05.00.55 for 55ec930v finally can be officially downloaded at LG in the Netherlands. I am using it for about a month. Best so far, now and then I have an occasional plop when playing over hdmi/arc to surround set.
  6. I think I have a Wifi problem as well since 5.00.55. No disconnects but more like freezes for 15 to 30 seconds. My tv is connected to wifi only. I'll try a cable only to see if there is a difference.
  7. I am a week on 05.00.55 with a 930v and I have had no app memory issues so far. Maybe it is app specific? Browser?
  8. In Europe only the test version was available.
  9. 05.00.55 installed on 55ec930v. Best firmware so far for me. I have tried about 10 different firmwares last year. Tested for a few hours. No memory leaks No hdmi cec/simplink problems No hdmi arc disconnects No hdmi pop-ups I did not test the browser because I don't use it. Finally a decent firmware for me
  10. Hi Dejan, thanks for sharing these settings. But for which TV do you use them?
  11. Good to hear! Do you have anything else connected to hdmi on the TV? And did you have pop-ups on 05.00.40?
  12. 05.00.40 still has the HDMI problem unfortunately. LG fixes a problem and another problem is introduced indeed
  13. 55ec930v and I have only seen 05.00.30 and 05.00.40. Did not find any problem yet with 05.00.40 but time will tell..
  14. From the Dutch (nl) LG support website I downloaded 05.00.40. Will let know if this hdmi/ARC problem is solved.
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