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  1. On web Browser of lg webos tv, my LB6520 play youtube videos only in 720p resolution. It does not show option of 1080p resolution. Is it with you guys also when you play youtube in your browser.
  2. For this problem, solution is simple. I also faced same issue. Just take out the batteries from your magic remote and re-insert them against after few seconds. Magic Remote will start working without any problem.
  3. I m using the same model in Pakistan. Install from here. Its version 5.10.2 http://su.lge.com/GlobalSWDownloadCdn.laf?IMG=/201508/starfish-dvb-secured-m14tv-25.ashley.m14tv-2501-05.10.01-prodkey_nsu_V3_SECURED.epk​ Make a folder in ur usb LG_DTV and put it there. Connect with your tv and your tv will auto detect and will ask u to install. Install it and you are good to go.
  4. I have also installed beta version 5.10 on my LB6520. Working without any problem. Thanks Simon.
  5. Working fine.I have not noticed any change except some improvement in speed perhaps.
  6. From Pakistan. Tv Model: LB6520 Updated firmware version to 04.62.45 with USB.
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