I have a problem and whatever I do, the TV can't show subtitles unless they are embedded in the movie.
I have movies on my PC, connected to the same network as the TV.
The movies folder is shared and also I enabled streaming, so I can watch the movies from any device.
I go to Photos & Videos (or I choose the PC stream directly from inputs menu), I go to the movie folder.
When embedded subtitles everything is OK, but if subtitles are on .sub or .srt file the TV seem to ignore them.
I open the TV options go to Accessibility turned the subtitles on, restarted the TV and PC, start the movie again and NOTHING the subtitle option is grayed!
I even tried different character encoding for example ANSI or UTF-8 and NOTHING again!!!
The subtitles are on the same folder, with exactly the same name - example:
Name of movie file "Tom Clancys The Division Agent Origins.mkv"
Name of subtitle file "Tom Clancys The Division Agent Origins.srt" (even if I change it to .sub)
Please LG dev team, FIX THIS crap, or I (and many others that want damned subtitles) will never buy your TVs again...
PS: I have tried dozen of ways to watch the movie, but no success with subtitles.
The only way to have subtitles is to embed them with program or to use HDMI cable and play the movie from the PC.