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Marcelo Richard Valverde

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Everything posted by Marcelo Richard Valverde

  1. Dear mahmoud samy, I'm working on developing a client media player for XC. Please send me a personal message for details.
  2. Hey, I had some compatibility problems with REACTJS and ENACTJS, with the older versions of Webos, for example 3.0. I had to abandon these frameworks and rewrite much of the code in pure Javascript. For this reason the progress of the project is a little slow. I hope to launch a functional version in the second half of this year. I appreciate the remembrance and encouragement.
  3. I just use a Kodi on the Raspberry pi. Kodi serves my intranet media files.
  4. Thanks for the support and encouragement! I resumed work with a new approach. Now I use the recommended library and used by LG in its native applications: EnactJS. See: https://enactjs.com/ and samples: https://github.com/enactjs/samples Please follow my project on github, and if you can contribute in any way, thank you very much. https://github.com/valverde-marcelo/kodi2webos
  5. Is this possible? Would be wonderful!
  6. Native Kodi has memory and storage requirements that I still believe not possible on smart tv. Kodi client is an alternative to Plex, for example for Raspberry Pi. Thanks anyaway.
  7. Please see this
  8. Please see this topic
  9. I started building a client for Kodi that runs on Smart TV LG webos. As a client, need a Kodi server running on local network to consume the JSON-RPC API. Communicates through websockets. It is being implemented in Javascript using REACT JS. I'm looking for developers for the GUI. Contributions are welcome!! see the project on github: https://github.com/valverde-marcelo/kodi2webos/
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