Yeah, the magic remote pointer doesn't work with Disney+... you have to use the up/down/left/right/center compass style buttons on the remote to select from on-screen virtual keyboard.
If you get in, the pointer doesn't work in there either; use the same remote keys to get around. The LG Disney+ app not ready for prime-time.
Hopefully there will be inclusion of "Continue Watching" and "Resume" because if you back out of watching something, there's no way to continue where you left off. Netflix on LG does this well.
If you find the title you were watching, it always starts from the beginning. At least the fast forward can get fast using multiple pushes, but again Netflix with the magic remote is a better navigational experience.
Disney+ has pretty good subtitle support... better than Netflix (';') - Disney, make a 150% and loose the 50%... 100% looks like 50% (Added: on my TV)
Sorry OP if this isn't an answer applicable to you.
UPDATE 11/20/19: Disney+ added "Resume" and if you check the "+", that checked program(s) appears in the main menu "Watchlist", so that can be considered a Continue Watching" option (clean, I might like Disney's way better being slightly hidden compared to Netflix' Continue Watching rendition); my bad for not seeing it that way sooner. Not having a Resume was almost a deal breaker for me so implementing this is great! Interesting that there was no update to the LG Disney+ app to make this overnight change. This makes me think the app is like a browser and the contents a website (pages).
There still remains the subtitle font size options that haven't changed yet... I was thinking that the font size choices may have to do with screen resolution - the programmers monitor and our TV resolution (3840 pixels × 2160 lines) would need to agree for the programmers to gauge font size options? Main thing, there's no good subtitle font size on my TV, but I went with 200% because 100% is puny (too much reading concentration needed) and 50% isn't really an option on this TV... and I view kinda close.
A most important shortfall remains and that is the stereo only audio issue discribed via the link below: