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Everything posted by td47

  1. @R. Ho. The Time Machine functionality is ONLY for use with transmitted (live) programmes. Your best bet is to use a Windows 7 or Windows 10 PC, and use a combination of hardware and software to convert them to MP4 format, then write them to your USB device. HARDWARE: Some video cards had the capability of taking HDMI input and having software convert the incoming digital stream. Most likely you have an "ordinary" one without that capability, so you could need to purchase a "video capture card", install it and also install drivers for it, and software to convert the video stream. It is a long process and if you do not have a desktop PC that you can add in a specific card for this, then you may find it more convenient to just get a quote for the conversion service from a local firm that does that, and they can put the converted files on to you USB stick for you. There are various "game play capture" add-in cards available (e.g. Elgato HD60 that has HDMI input), that MIGHT work for this. I have never used one, but you might get a cheap one from EBAY.
  2. @CatsPaw I do understand your annoyance with this, and also I think this can open up security concerns. I saw some older posts that stated older firmware DID have an option to turn this functionality off, but it has now dissappeared in the UI (settings) on most models. If you can find the Facebook page or Twitter feed for LG, try commenting/complaining there, AND raise a support ticket with LG in your country. The more owners complain, the better chance you get of getting that ability in a firware update in the future. You could quote these links, or research more to find actual TV WiFi direct vulnerabilities to quote to LG support (other owners on here may know of these): https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/wifi-direct-insecure/ and https://www.securityinobscurity.net/thoughts/thought-1019-01.htm
  3. @Aryabrat Mishra This site NOT an LG owned or affiliated site. It is a peer-to-peer enthusiasts forum only, for owners and knowledgeable users to exchange helpful hints and workarounds for issues etc. It has NO affiliation with LG, and this site had NO control over what they develop or release. LG has no obligation to review, comment, or act on any comments or complaints here. If you have a suggestion or problem, it is best to contact LG support in your country.
  4. @Lorenzo Naselli Is your Ethernet LAN cable going DIRECT to your router, or are you using a PLA (Power Line Adaptor), or a SWITCH? Hopefully NOT an old HUB, as those are NOT intelligent with hardware MAC addresses, and use all ports for all packets!! Most switches (e.g D-LINK 1GB Hub) can store 1024 MAC addresses. Ensure you have the latest Firmware in the TV (03.11.30) in case there is an undocumented item that LG fixed that helps you. In the meantime, are you saying that connecting the TV to the WiFi works fine? NOTE: some complex APPS (e.g. AirPlay etc.) do NOT have all packets, i.e. Discovery packets, sent from WiFi connections to Ethernet ports, as some routers block those. Please also let us know your router make and model, it might help.
  5. @frpatte Thanks for the feedback. I assume the file that you saw when you unzipped the downloaded file, was: "starfish-dvb-secured-k5lp-539.gyeryongsan.k5lp-53902-05.00.02_prodkey_usb_V3_SECURED.epk" is that correct? NOTE: to see "file-types" (file extensions, like the .EPK on the end of the file above) in File Explorer on Windows 7 or Windows 10, you need to ensure that the View options have the File Nem Extensions box ticked (I tend to have the Hidden Files one as well, as I do system admin work). On the TV side, did you use the "Stay" option, as in the install PDF when you inserted the stick? Then it MIGHT allow the older level to install, BUT the install routine might ignore it of it is BELOW the current level. If that is the case, then you will have to wait for the next update from LG. NOTE: going into the Smartshare or similar media file display/play APP trying to look at the USB contents, will ONLY show the types of files that IT is designed to show or play, so you will NOT see files like .EPK firmware files, or .BIN files etc. even though they may be there.
  6. @imanshanizadeh Not all apps are available in every country, due to licence deals and copyright. If those premium apps are NOT in your country area TV LG Store, then you cannot get them.
  7. @[email protected] Reset the headphones by pressing "+" "-" 2 buttons at the same time for 7 seconds, and restart the headphones by pressing the power on button. The phones SHOULD stay in pairing mode for a minute or two, so ensure you have the TV Sound settings up to search for Bluetooth devices while this is active. After that, you will have to power them off and on again if you were slow getting into the TV Sound settings to search for devices. Check if your Headphones user guide mentions pairing mode. Bear in mind your TV is an older 2016 model, so this might limit the compatibility. I have seen posts where even LG Bluetooth headphones will not pair with some models. Maybe othere on here have experience of these. I do not use them I am afraid.
  8. @frpatte OK, just to confirm: What is the firmware version that recently installed, was it 05.00.02 or 05.00.10? If the later one, try downloading the older one, and put it on a USB stick and install it on the TV. If the older one (05.00.02), was the one installed recently, and caused the issue, see below: https://www.lg.com/uk/support/software-firmware Put in your model number 43UM7450PLA and you will get a list of 2 firmware versions, 05.00.10 with a December date, and 05.00.02 with a November date. You can select the older one if the newer one was updated via an OTA update, and caused the issue, OR if you are still on the older one, then DO download the newer one, as it fixes "minor bug fixes" that MIGHT include your issue (it does NOT expand on what those are). You will need to download that on your Laptop/PC, into a known folder for you to UNZIP it to place the file inside it into its own area, so that you can then copy it to the ROOT of a USB stick (i.e. F:\<firmware file name> and NOT within a folder. Download the Software Update Guide PDF and follow the instructions for a USB upgrade.
  9. @Petar FYI: 1) LG TV's use WebOS, NOT Android, that is why the name of this peer-to-peer forum is LGWebOS). 2) This forum may have the name LG in it, but it is used just to identify the subject matter for enthusiasts to help other users. It has NO affiliation with LG at all, and they do NOT participate in any support issues, or comments made here. Your last post seemed to be assuming that this site IS part of LG, and that "we" could help in some way. Sorry that is not the case, but some users on here may be able to suggest workarounds for issues, and provide technical expertise, but that is the limit of what we can do. By the way, are you saying that you had an Android TV, and it DOES provide external speech driven Close Captions to the Neflix Player, provided "on-the-fly" via an internet connection?
  10. @Petar I have never heard of that sort of functionality existing outside of the player app in use at the time. Have you contacted Netflix support to ask when your language will be supported?
  11. @frpatte Unless you have a USB stick with the previous working firmware on it,there is no way to get back to the working level. Have you reported this issue to your local country LG support? The more that report it, the better chance you have of (eventually) getting a fix. By the way, in case they have changed some DLNA protocols for technical/security reasons, check that your DLNA devices have the latest firmware and software layers (apps) installed.
  12. @Francis Mondal Both app and content availability will vary from country to country, because of licencing deals/restrictions. See: https://www.cbr.com/disney-plus-content-varies-internationally/
  13. @teyassi Hi, thanks for that screen shot. Can you choose "More", and post a picture of that please, because if that DOES show the LG Store there, this may help the OP @dibbie camacho and others with a similar query.
  14. @teyassi Can you post a screen shot of how the apps list appears on your TV?
  15. @Danny Cruz You CANNOT download apps into your TV using the built-in browser. You can ONLY get apps designed to work on your TV from the LG STORE app.
  16. @dibbie camacho It should be there by default, you do NOT need to "download it", as extra apps have to COME from there, as THAT is your LG download centre! Maybe it is not in view, and just needs the app ribbon to be scrolled right to see it (often by clicking on the 3 lines icon one side or the other). See this for an example: https://www.tomsguide.com/us/lg-tv-settings-guide,review-5624-3.html
  17. @kostas.7 No, any ONE TV firmware release/update build, is designed and written to support a specific range of models only. The internal hardware components dictate available features, and therefore restrict what capabilities the Firmware can use. Think of it like a car engine ECU, you cannot just upload Porsche Cayenne ECU code into a Porsche 911.
  18. @Filippo Antonio Capizzi No, I am NOT saying that those useful functions SHOULD work on any file, I am just trying to get a technical "feel" for the problem you are describing, and if it INITIALLY worked when you got the TV (i.e. was the problem caused by the new firmware). Those functions will ALL depend greatly on the capabilities of the SPECIFIC player app you are using, and the good (or bad) integration of the required CODECS within it, to handle the different file types. The YOUTUBE app's job in life IS to do those things that you are trying, BUT it was designed to do just that. General basic player APPS (particularly those "standard" in-built ones in so-called "smart" TV's), might be just too basic to do that. What is the player app actually called?
  19. @Kai Hendry Before you take that drastic decision (that might not fix the issue), please consider this technical post I spotted on an Apple forum below, as I beleive that is DOES cover your error scenario, as I think the issue IS on the Airplay side, not the receivng (TV) side. Just because you get a good basic "connection" between the iPhone and the TV, does NOT mean that a complex APP protocol will fully function. Please read the quote below: "The symptoms you describe are as if the multicast airplay discovery packets are being blocked. Some routers don't route these between wifi and ethernet, even on the same router. Other routers handle this and it's not an issue. You should never need bluetooth to make the AirPlay connection. The "Use AirPlay to wirelessly stream content from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support" Apple help document doesn't even mention ethernet, only wifi. When the ATV is wired, AirPlay from iPad may work intermittently, as you describe. It appears to "work", which is surprising, but then it just fails totally. Using bluetooth as you describe may get you past initial discovery, but there are still internal packets that expect to go direct over the wifi. I hope you can resolve at least some of these problems by switching the Apple TV [or the TV in your case] to wifi [from the current wired Etehernet LAN]." By the way, you might STILL need to check your WiFi SSID name, and see if the 2.4GHZ and 5GHz have DIFFERENT SSID names for each, or if they are merged into 1 name. You will be fine if the 5GHz signal is strong and has a good signal quality, but can "flap" (disconnect/reconnect) between the bands if the name is merged, and the quality drops. Some complex apps can be sensitive to this. "So I was having this same issue described in this thread and I believe I resolved the issue by making a change to my wireless network. My wireless access controller (enterprise cisco network however same applies even for home routers) was advertising one SSID for both 2.4 & 5.1 GHz wireless networks. There is a feature in most new wireless access points called band steering. If you only create one SSID for your wireless network and it rides both your 2.4GHz and 5GHz network than your device will switch bands [flap] based on many factors including interference / congestion / signal strength. This explains the randomness of the connectivity as a microwave, or passing car, cell phone, or neighbour [on the same channel] can generate wireless interference very easily. The issue resides with the sending device however, because the issue was still happening on Apple TV's [and your TV scenario] that were not configured for wireless and actually plugged in via ethernet. So my solution was to create a separate 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless network SSID (wireless2.4 & wireless5.1 for example) and then configure my laptops and other APPLE devices on the network to only connect to the 5GHz network, and not allow them to switch based on the algorithm it uses to determine what the best connection is."
  20. @Blackorchid From what I read on a couple of forums, there is a BIG issues on the industry generally, with ARC/eARC implementations (as the standard is fluid, and keeps changing). Some LG firmware updates fix some things, and break others, notably ARC stuff. LG local countries are aware of some problems, but LG Korea are ignoring pleas. I spotted this workaround for certain LG models, try it on your TV if it has these settings: " GO TO LG MENU AND GO TO PICTURE, NOW GO TO ADDITIONAL ,AND HIGHLIGHT DEEP COLOUR AND THEN TOGGLE THE DEEP COLOUR ON DOT TO OFF . Wait a second and your AUDIO WILL COME BACK!" I noticed that in desperation, some users have resorted to connecting the TV via an optical TOSLINK cable to get around this, which is ridiculous IMHO.
  21. @Kai Hendry Thanks for confirming that, I would NOT have known that fact until you posted it! What about "Check what your smart phone is using (2.4GHz WiFi band, or the 5GHz band), and make sure that the TV is using the SAME BAND."?? If the WiFi is strong, why did you choose to use a wired LAN cable, as that limits you to 100Mbps, and the 2.4GHz WiFi can be 150 - 300MBPS, with the 5GHz around 600 - 900Mbps or more depending on your router model? With the connectivity being intermittent, It might be worth disconnecting the TV LAN cable, and trying to see if connecting up the WiFi side stops the issue, BUT use the same band that the phone is using.
  22. @lIlIl lI lIlIl Have you checked first if you have the latest firmware on this TV? The latest one fixes a problem where some apps are not loading: "[03.21.10] 1. Improved the inability to launch or install apps on the TV in certain conditions" Check here: https://www.lg.com/sa_en/support/product/lg-55UN7240PVG and download it on to a USB stick (NOT into a folder, on the root of the drive letter, e.g. F:\) then follow the firmware install notes from that LG site
  23. @Blackorchid The Integra DRX 3.3 looks nice, I am jealous! 😊 Do you have the Main/ARC HDMI (DRX Output) connected to the ARC/eARC HDMI on the TV, and Sound settings for all sound to go out via the HDMI? That way, even if the DRX is in standby, the sound SHOULD come from the TV channels AND APPS (it does on my Yamaha anyway - but I think I can turn off the standby input for TV sound, but I left it on anyway - as CEC turns my unit on anyways). Do ALL APPS do the same, or do some work? Do all your other inputs (DVD player, set-top-boxes) work OK for sound? These should ALL go into the DRX first, unless you have technical HDMI-CEC compatibility issues.
  24. @Arthur Dent This is just a standard "notification", from the Time Machine recording app,that gives you chance to cancel it, in case you decide to watch it on LIVETV instead. Just ignore it (it goes away after 1 minute), or click the OK.
  25. @Kai Hendry Make sure that the room where the TV is, has a good/strong WiFi signal. Check what your smart phone is using (2.4GHz WiFi band, or the 5GHz band), and make sure that the TV is using the SAME BAND. NOTE: do not confuse the WiFi 5GHz band with 5G phone capability, that just means "Fifth Generation"..... 😊 Also, check the WiFi strength "bars" icon, on the smart phone, in the same room as the TV to gauge its strength. If you have a laptop, it is much better to check the WiFi signal strength and quality with a nice utility from Nirsoft, called "WiFiInfoView". It is free, check here: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/wifi_information_view.html Just download that, unzip it into its own folder, and run the .EXE executable from that new folder (you can right click and creat a shortcut to it on the desktop wallpaper, for later use). By the way, if you can log into your router, go to the Settings, WiFi (both bands), and go to advanced, check the channels in use, try 36 or 44 for the 5GHz, or 8 for the 2.4GHz, AND ensure that the SSID names for both are not longer than 8 characters, and do not have any special characters in them (like BigAls'WiFi!~ or similar), as some LG TV sets do not like that.
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