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Everything posted by td47

  1. Hi, I forgot to ask an obvious question: has there been any evidence of leaking batteries left in the remote? It is a common occurrence, and if run-down batteries are left in any device like this, the leaking chemicals can play havoc with the printed circuit tracks and components inside them. They are often alkaline, and can cause bad corrosion that can lead to partial shorts (low resistance paths) for signals to go to the wrong place, and can seep into the press-button contacts too. Look out for what looks like a "green rust" around the battery contacts in the remote (if you can see any of the circuit tracks, check those too). Bad corrosion often leaves things like remotes, calculators, toys etc. irreparable, but if you have caught it quickly enough, you MIGHT be able to salvage it, IF you know how to take the case apart (defeating the snap-in latches of the two halves can be a pain), AND you know about removing corrosion from PCB tracks and components. You might get lucky if it is only the button contact pads gone bad, try wiping with Isopropyl Alcohol and cotton-buds.
  2. OK, you have eliminated the keys (maybe), so the keys use Infra-Red, the "blob" pointer uses BlueTooth. It might be just "broken" electronics in the remote, so needs a replacement. Interference IS a possibility, but rare, so check if yous folks use any Infra-Red "remote extender" devices for any other stuff (hifi, amps, dvd-players, set-top-box etc). Check if any OTHER remotes are near the TV (say stuck down a sofa with a button continually pressed). BLUETOOTH - check if there is a device (bluetooth speakers, notebook/laptop book reader) that might have a dodgy set-up. Turn them off if you can, or remove them to another room, and retest. My gut-feel is that the remote is just electronically faulty inside though.
  3. You don't state what LG model, but if no OTA updates for the WEBOS/firmware are available, try using your PC/Laptop, download the latest version to a USB stick (not inside a folder, direct at top level), then follow manual on how to update from a USB stick. Then see if you can update stuff, or as Mark Jones has said, check on the LG store to see if YouTube can be installed or updated.
  4. First, I would check for any stuck buttons on the remote itself, and look for any evidence of anything spilled on it, or in it, and check if anything feels sticky in between or near any of the buttons. If there IS anything sticky etc, (or if any of the keys stay down) remove the batteries, and use a mild solvent like Isopropyl Alcohol around and between the buttons (cotton buds can be used for this), until they feel better/free-er. Check the operation of EACH button to ensure none feels as if it is sticky or staying depressed, repeat the solvent if yes. Allow to dry in the open for 30 minutes, re-check the feel of the keys, if OK, put the batteries back in and try it again.
  5. I believe this behaviour is by design, because the audio stream would be unintelligible gibberish at other than the normal speed. I think if you try this on a PC or Laptop using the same sites or players, you will get the same result - no audio output until you go back to normal speed. Most folks use the "higher speed forward" as a skip forward, and would not normally expect any audio anyway.
  6. Sorry, I forgot to answer your question about speed testing. As it is a LAN adaptor, you need to do a LAN speed test (although it might be skewed by the fact that is converts signals to USB standards). However, this tool below can be installed on Windows or MacOS, and is only $10 for a single user licence. It seems to be well reviewed, and has lots of options. You will need to install it onto a laptop, and connect it to your interface and test it that way (or possibly via your home network IF you know that specific IP address for the adapter connection). https://totusoft.com/lanspeed
  7. FYI: the LG the user had in his post on the PLEX.TV forums was an LG 65UJ750V. Another user found this type also useful on a similar LG TV: "if the TV carries a USB3 port get something like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00NPJP33M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 My LG just went from its native ethernet limit up to 160Mbps. Batman Gotham by Gaslight (being the highest bitrate I have) now happily plays back on my LG without any hint of a buffer. Its still gonna be the ATV 4K as my default, however I can now play all Dolby Vision files in Plex on my LG" NOTE: a more up to date adaptor is also available, may be better still. See: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Anker-AK-A7611011-USB-Ethernet-Network-Card-Adaptor/dp/B00PC0P2DI/ref=dp_ob_title_ce
  8. Someone got a device working on an LG TV, but i did not see a model mentioned. It HAS to go into the USB 3.0 port though, so if you TV has one, give it a go. https://forums.plex.tv/t/smart-tv-1gbps-network-connection-no-more-buffering/439111
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