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Everything posted by revenant

  1. are you asking two problems? on the telly's browser, youtube can only to go 720 (not sure why). the youtube app is much better and higher resolution (though i do not know what). as for .MKVs i know that 1080 almost always works, but a 4k .mkv for whatever the reason, does not. i am wondering if it would play well off of a computer to the telly
  2. Hello, I am new to this and would like a little help. I just bought my first telly (LG 49UB8500-ND). I love everything about this telly, I am only hoping to love it more. My family is all Apple computers and iOS deices. However, my hard drives i reformatted to windows so that i can plug them into the telly (one 2TB and one 5TB). I have an apple base station extreme and the telly connects to it (as does any and all devices). I also have one of the hard drives plugged into it. I would like the telly to see the hard drive so that i can play movies that way instead of having to plug the hard drive in every time i want to play a movie or tv show. is it possible?
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