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Everything posted by kpodolinsky

  1. Hi, i tried everything but nothing helped. I called local LG representative and they sent couple of guys with fancy looking remote. They were able to enter some hidden menus and troubleshooting options, which showed error code related to what they said communication issue between motherboard and processor. so they took the TV. After a few weeks they returned it with replaced motherboard and no issues since.
  2. Hello Krishna Kumar, Thank you for the help!Unfortunately my TV does not seem to have TV Sound sync as option(Uploaded picture of the current options). I previously had the soundbar connected via bluetooth but this had a lot of issues from sound delay perspective(issue with TV crashing was still visible), so i had to connect it via optical cable. Also i would like to still use internal speakers + soundbar as audio. I also did the pixel refresher procedure 2 (or 3 times, not sure) already. Also uploaded picture of the current software version - no newer one when i press check for updates.
  3. Yup. The OS is up to date
  4. Small update - i also tested by changing the sound set up to only internal TV speakers - issue happened again.
  5. Hello guys and gals, I am not sure if this question is for here, but i tried reading some posts on the internet and could not find a reasonable explanation or solution to my problem, so here it is. I bought my TV (official model i think is OLED55CX3LA) about 2 weeks ago along with LG Soundbar SN4, connected via optical cabel. In few words, the setup is as follows: - Picture mode - Expert (Dark Room) with Gamma set to 2.2 and TruMotion to Natural - Sound is set to Cinema mode and Optical+Internal TV Speaker No AI features are turned on and TV is connected to internet via ethernet cable. I have set-up box connected to the TV, a laptop, both with HDMI, and streaming with Serviio over dlna. Now the issue. On 3rd-4th day the TV started crashing only while watching from the set-up box. The picture will freeze, some times a high pitch noise appears, the TV is unresponsive. This goes on for 10-20 seconds, the TV turns off by itself and after 5 seconds it is turned on. Sometimes it does it once and not again, sometimes there is a day without doing it, sometimes does it constantly one after another unless i change the channel, or change from set-up box to DLNA for example. I changed HDMI ports, i changed HDMI cables - no effect. I thought it is something in the signal from the set-up box (sometimes it is very low quality, or whatever else), but yesterday same thing happened while watching 2160p movie from DLNA. You can see what happens here: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZfgAUkZD9pEpRCcIzHea96Ne8mLJQGDcCkV&fbclid=IwAR1kmORoDe_RoWYLvbp1oo41B09mW_yI1--PkWxrNCOh8EDMT7DeGQQyqLQ The video on my cloud is only 2 minutes, but in reality this went on for about 7-8 minutes until i changed from set-up box to DLNA. Just the video was too big and had to cut it. Thank you!
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