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  1. LG updates 2014 TVs http://www.lgwebos.com/topic/1870-so-cunfused-between-web-os-and-netast-45/
  2. Viktor: - while the TV was running - I unplugged the power cord directly from TV - after a few minutes put back in - started the TV Hope it will help you too. Otherwise We have been notified of an "out of memory" and moreover, it has already been fixed in the new update 04.45.04. Unfortunately, this firmware was not yet available at the server update, so make software update will be available only via USB drive. To update the software, please go to the link below and then select the tab "Update" and download the file Software_File (Version_04.45.04) .zip. http://www.lg.com/ru...uct/lg-42LB650VTo update required: Flash card up to 32 GB, formatted in FAT32. On this map, create a folder LG_DTV and write in it the file that you unpacked from the zip-archive. After this, insert the flash card into the TV and it will automatically prompted to update. To all the latest updates to take effect, you must reset the TV. To do this, open the Settings - General - Reset to factory. LG updates 2014 TVs to Web OS 2.0 in the second half of 2015. http://www.cnet.com/news/lg-updates-2014-tvs-to-web-os-2-0/
  3. LG updates 2014 TVs to Web OS 2.0 http://www.cnet.com/news/lg-updates-2014-tvs-to-web-os-2-0/
  4. Dude, you know what do my TV, or what?
  5. The report says that the TV series LB630 above will be updated WebOS 2.0 on the border of June / July. But be careful! There will probably upgrade to the full version 2.0, but a partial update, so instead let's call "a bit like WebOS 2.0 Lite". However, your operating system is also said to significantly accelerate and part should come your TV as well as new, resp. modified user interface. http://www.digirevue.cz/cz/vsehochut/item/502-lg-tv-2015-podporuji-i-vp9-a-chysta-se-aktualizace-modelu-2014
  6. The 55LB720T don't get stuck, and don't get out of memory error.
  7. The report says that the TV series LB630 above will be updated WebOS 2.0 on the border of June / July. But be careful! There will probably upgrade to the full version 2.0, but a partial update, so instead let's call "a bit like WebOS 2.0 Lite". However, your operating system is also said to significantly accelerate and part should come your TV as well as new, resp. modified user interface: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=hu&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.digirevue.cz%2Fcz%2Fvsehochut%2Fitem%2F502-lg-tv-2015-podporuji-i-vp9-a-chysta-se-aktualizace-modelu-2014&edit-text= http://www.digirevue.cz/cz/vsehochut/item/502-lg-tv-2015-podporuji-i-vp9-a-chysta-se-aktualizace-modelu-2014
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