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  1. Anyone tried this firmware ? Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk
  2. Anyone tried this firmware ? Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk
  3. Any details about new firmware ? Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  4. No after turning off and on again everything works again.Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  5. After upgrade I cannot log to my account anymore. It says that service is not temperary available. Anyone with same problem ? Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  6. I have the same model and it works great.Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  7. Any news about vTuner on LGStore ? Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  8. How to record some sheduled program on time machine ? When you add some shedules from epg and turn off tv nothing happens in predefined time. Any suggestion ? Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  9. Official update OTA 05.00.55 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  10. Is there any way to install vTuner again ? I cannot find it on store anymore. Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  11. I ja sam prebacio na Srbiju i ništa mi ne prijavljuje za novu verziju. Trenutno je 04.65.05 na LG 47LB671V-ZB ?Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  12. When I upgrade firmware on new version and do factory reset, will I loose apps downloaded from other region. For example, I downloaded SmartIPTV from Germany region and changed back to my, because there is no mentioned app in my region. Will I loose this app after factory reset for new firmware ? Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk
  13. I can confirm that this firmware working on 47LB671V-ZB. I have this one and everything is OK. I just posted correct zip archive because on LG site is corrupted one. There you can check is it compatible with your device.
  14. Here it goes.... https://mega.co.nz/#!4JAwDDgA!k7QTLSw615whm56i9Lvp0bYqjHF8o4xOjmD5aISlge8
  15. If someone want's, I can put link here for correct archiv file.
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