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Dno9 last won the day on October 24 2020

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  1. Iv called LG and freeview again today. I'm luckily on sky, so it dosent really effect me but I want my TV to be able to do everything it should and its the principle of it for me. LG again are going down the line of stating they were told all channels would be updated to show both format of channels. I said this has been going on for so long now why can't LG and freeview just communicate with each other, I asked if there was any way of being able to get a message through to the powers that be to speak to freeview and sort this between themselves as its not a customers job! She has filed a voice of concern notice which apparently doesn't get a reply but goes through to them to "review" Freeview have took all my details for there tech team to call me back 🙈
  2. Does anyone from LG see these posts? It's just staggering. Selling a bunch of TV models not fit for purpose!
  3. I just find it unbelievable that they have left it like this for 2 years and continue to make out they have never heard of it. It's a pretty big deal, how is this not picked up and known before these tv's are released? Must be some way of getting them sort this.
  4. Told them its all over the Internet! Plenty of forums etc for you to see this issue on. I just find it astonishing that 2 years later and 2020 models still not got this sorted. It's just crazy.
  5. Thank you for the response It's just not good enough is it! This has clearly been going on a long time now. I called LG this morning and they said it wasn't something they had ever heard of before surprise surprise! Want me to take video to show the issue to get passed on to the tech team. Obviously nothing will be done as they could have sorted it a long time ago if they cared.
  6. Hi did anyone ever get to the bottom of this? Quite unbelievable! Just purchased the LG75UN81006LB and this exact same thing still happening on freeview with these channels displaying invalid service.
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