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Everything posted by turtuv

  1. have you fix it in some way? my guess is that the hdmi porta could be involved since I have two console always in rest mode and it happens when I have one of them turned on. Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  2. any news? Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  3. It just happened to me again few seconds ago. It's the 6th time from October and I don't understand what trigger it. In this case I can tell you that I switched to the normal TV channel while my ps5 was running on HDMI1, but I act this way always and the other times the screensaver never kicked in. So strange, I really don't know. Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  4. I confirm, it didn't happened again after the last update. but I have another problem from day one: sometimes the fireworks screensaver kicks in while I'm watching normal TV channels and I don't understand why Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  5. did it happened to others? it happened 2 other times this month Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  6. after my last reset 3 weeks ago it didn't happened again, for now. anyway I had a strange issue with the fireworks screensaver too. I hope that the last update fixed all of this Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  7. Hi, I have the exact same problem on my LG CX after the last firmware update. My firmware version is 3.11.30 and webOS 5.11-3707 (jhericurl-jappon). Any suggestion would be appreciated, thanks. Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  8. hi thank you. but what is the cause? before the last firmware update I didn't had any problems at all. I tried to connect the TV to a mobile connection trough hot spot, but I didn't worked neither. should I call the LG assistance? Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  9. hi guys, after the last firmware update (3.11.30)on my LG CX I have a problem with the apps because often they didn't want to start in any way. I have to shutdown and turn on the TV again to make them works. what could it be? Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  10. no one? Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  11. hi guys, I have an LG CX65 bought a month ago. it's already happened two times that while I was watching a normal TV channel the fireworks screensaver kicked in. After the first time I did a reset of the TV, but it happened again today. Someone has experienced this issue? If could be useful to know, I have an Xbox series x, a ps5 and a soundbar connected respectively to HDMI port 1, 2 and 3 and the consoles always stays in sleep mode. they works great, no problem at all, and the hdmi cables are brand new. the first time the fireworks kicked in while a was watching a news Channel i has only the soundbar and PS4 connected tho. I hope you can help me out Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  12. Same problem here. LG CX65 bought a month ago. it's already happened two times that while I was watching a normal TV channel the fireworks screensaver kicked in. After the first time I did a reset of the TV, but it happened again today. Someone did find a solution? If could be useful to know, I have an Xbox series x, a ps5 and a soundbar connected respectively to HADMI port 1, 2 and 3 and the consoles always stays in sleep mode. they works great, no problem at all, and the hdmi cables are brand new. the first time the fireworks kicked in while a was watching a news Channel i has only the soundbar and PS4 connected tho. Inviato dal mio SM-G965F utilizzando Tapatalk
  13. Hi, this morning while a was watching a classic tv news channel the screensaver kicked in without no reason and i know that this is not normal. can anyone please tell me why it did that? what could it be?
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