Hi All,
Lots of thanks to everyone that has answered questions in this post. It has been very useful to me.
I have now an strange trouble.
Currently I have a C8 TV, and I have instaled the GbEthernet USB device, and it works fine. I have 300Mbps Upload and Dowload rate in the TV, which is the maximum that a USB 2 is capable. I have tested using the TV Web Browser and making a Internet Speed Test, having 300Mbps in Dowload and 295 in Upload, I have 600Mbps fiber connections).
I play the videos using "Image and Video" standard application with a DLNA Synology Server (Video Station) in a DS220+ NAS. And the TV is connected via HDMI ARC to a Yamaha RX-V481 Home Cinema.
I have also tested some of the JellyFish videos, and the system is capable to run smothly up the 180mbps 4k uhd hevc 10 bits
180 Mbps
658 MB
When i go to the resource monitor in the NAS, I can see the Network Thorughput. When playing Jelly180Mbps, the network adapter is in 25/28 Mbytes/s which is barely close to the 300Mbps that I have tested as my maximum suported.
When trying the 200mbs file, it begin to suffer slowdowns.
So, apparently, I have solved the problem with the UHD rips...
But... no... i don't.
I have been making test with LOTR UHD Rips, with DTS sound in Spanish, French, Italian, and i'm still suffering with momentanium stops. And here is the strange things:
- When playing LOTR Rip, the NAS Network Thorughput is under 15/17 Mbytes, that is much lower than my maximum supported and tested.
- When this short stops occur, I can see in the display of the Yamaha Receiver, that the leds indicating the type of Sound (5.1, dts, etc...) they switch off, and then switch on again.
- When I play this rip, from a USB Hard Disk docked directly to the TV USB, I dont have this problem.
Any ideas?