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Harald Dunkel

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  1. The specs for the magic remote promise "Voice Recognition with Intuitive Mouse Like Pointing and Wheel Control". I think that would be nice. The current implementation of scrolling via the wheel on the magic remote is not intuitive. Why would I move my thumb up to pull the text shown on the screen down to the bottom? Question is, can we please get natural scrolling for WebOS 5.5.0 and newer? Some option in the settings would be fine. The current "unnatural" scrolling is a major obstacle in usability for me, and the main reason to not buy LG again.
  2. Since 4 weeks my TV (OLED55BX9LB) nags me I should replace the batteries in the magic remote. Is there some way to disable this annoyance? The batteries are still fine.
  3. Hi folks, Is there some way to permanently disable the gyroscope in the magic remote? I can set tracking speed to high, medium or low, but "off" is missing :-(. With gyroscope enabled the scroll wheel is extremely difficult to use. As soon as I use the scroll wheel the air mouse is activated again. I have the impression that scroll wheel and air mouse do not agree how to move the pointer. Sorry to say, but thats really annoying. WebOS is version 04.40.15. Every helpful hint is highly appreciated.
  4. According to the specs my OLED55BX9LB is supposed to run webos 5.0, but the firmware update claims 04.40.15 is the most recent version. How comes?
  5. Would it be possible to support natural scrolling for the remote (optionally)? It is pretty confusing that the shown page scrolls down if you push up your thumb on the scroll wheel. Its not what you expect.
  6. PS: I asked LG Germany for supporting natural scrolling in WebOS on their TVs. Answer: "Unser WEB OS Betriebssystem unterstuetzt generell kein Natural Scrolling." Translated to English: "We don't".
  7. I've got the same problem. I am used to natural scrolling since my very first computer mouse with a scroll wheel. WebOS not supporting it is *highly* confusing.
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