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Emanuel Raniolo

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Everything posted by Emanuel Raniolo

  1. I can also confirm that the issue is (again) fixed for me with the new credentials internal Version 6.2.0 and Config LGWEBOSHLSJS. Let us pray that this fix lasts a little longer than it did last time.
  2. Hello Karin. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing this problem. In April I posted that my similar issue had spontaneously resolved. Unfortunately about 2 weeks ago the sound drop out started up again. Until that time the ABC iView up had been performing faultlessly. I am hoping that just as the first time, this will again resolve in due course. The ABC and LG provide no joy with their standard and generic responses. You may be asked to return your TV to the default factory settings and then relaunch the App. I did not go down that path, but you may try. The App also has not been updated for quite some time. Good luck and I hope that you have some success in resolving this matter.
  3. Sorry to hear Nick. There was no notification on my TV either. I can only assume that the within App web TV version updates in the background without giving notification. It is only if there is an updated app version in the LG Content store that a notification will be provided. As our TV models are not the same, I would hope that a similar fix may roll out to you in due course.
  4. I would like to report that the problem of repeated momentary interruptions whilst streaming has been resolved on my LG OLED E8 TV. I watched ABC iView last week and again last night and there are no more problems with sound (sound was the only issue for me as there was no picture interruption). There was no intervention on my part and I would suggest that either the ABC or LG have fixed the issue. The ABC iView app version installed from the Content store remains at 5.4.0, however the Web version as listed in the APP is now 4.12.0, an update from 4.9.0 in February. There has also been a TV software update since this discussion was started in January. LG OS 05.40.26 is now the current version, however this version has been in place since late January and did not impact on the problem also experienced with the previous version 05.40.09. So all in all a pleasant if not mysterious surprise.
  5. Yes you are correct Noel, the Web versions displayed in My Account and for the App itself are unrelated. My son's My Account displays 4.9.0. Incidentally mine has now changed from 4.8.3 to 4.9.0 as well. I did contact the LG Content store to follow up on their advice to uninstall then re-install the App to tell them that it did not remedy the problem. They have since replied and now want me to perform a TV factory reset. I guess this is generic advice and part of the routine process needed in the investigation. However at this point, I don't believe that they have taken the issue seriously. I have also made them aware of this discussion on this LG Web OS user forum. I am not prepared to do a TV Factory reset however, as I would have to start from scratch after the reset and it would be as if I took the TV home for the first time. For me the pain is bigger than the remote probability of gain, so I will put up with the momentary sound interruption which affects the ABC iView App only. Would be interested of course if someone else followed through with their advice, and also interested to see whether a new App version in future my resolve the issue as well.
  6. Thank you. We can only speculate. I feel that something is not right however. I will check my Son's TV as I think that I remember that 5.4.0 was also shown on the ABC iView App My Account page after his update. I will report back when I am able.
  7. Thanks Noel for your reply. I see that same information as you in the LG content store when I search and select to view the particulars about the ABCiView app. It clearly says version 5.4.0 updated 15/3/21. Unless I am interpreting this incorrectly, that refers to the latest app version available in the store. However if you open the installed App and log in normally, once in the "Home" screen go to the right hand side menu and select "My Account" (this is your user profile picture icon). On the "My Account" page at the bottom, mine clearly says Web Version 4.8.3, Config-LGWEBOS4. I take that to be the web version of ABCiView installed on the TV. This cannot be referring to the webOS TV version installed as this is 4.4.0-9 (goldilocks-gorce) as found in the "about this TV" menu in settings/general. Could you check to see what your ABC iView App "My Account" web version is showing? For the record I am on the latest TV Software version 05.40.09
  8. Yes I have this problem too, although I do not get picture breakup, just the momentary sound interruption. I timed this not long ago and it was regularly at 60 second intervals. I emailed both ABC Audience Support and the LG content store. Both told me to uninstall and then re-install the ABC iView app. The ABC went further and requested that I also turn the modem and TV off at the wall for a few minutes, switch back on again (to reboot both) and complete a factory reset of the TV, then relaunch the app. I did everything other than factory reset the TV, as it is not a trivial exercise to re enter changes made to the default TV and program settings. Needless to say that this did not fix the problem. Interestingly I also noted that the currently installed version of ABC iView on my LG E8 is 4.8.3 and that the LG content store on the TV indicates that 5.4.0 is the latest version available. However when I uninstall and re-install the App, it is version 4.8.3 that downloads and installs once again. Consequently I can never get the latest version, as there may be a good possibility that our momentary sound issue interruption problem may not be manifest in 5.4.0. I have asked LG why this is the case and I have had no reply. I also know that my son has an older LG TV than mine and his has correctly updated to the new version 5.4.0. So what gives? I would be interested to know if others have experienced the same inability to update to the latest version issue as me. It would appear that there is a bug on two fronts that LG (in conjunction with the ABC) needs to acknowledge and address promptly.
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